(tower, river, later, never - that was just to say a fourth word finishing the same) (8 years old I am).
I assumed instantanously that "Beneath the Ivory Tower" wasn't the title for this artwork ; rather some words to introduce it. Because, a title has to have at least a minimal relation with what is painted - and there, no tower, no ivory, no ivory tower, no tower of ivory, no tory of ivorer, nothing such.
So I've just looked at it.
And yes, this is a particularly great painting. Very very pleasant! And the focuses on the details, giving the impression to BE in that landscape...
This is how I've made a first relation, though, with "Ivory Tower" : seeing these white-green paths on the soil : I've thought of the cracks on the Tower!
Then, I rapidly said to myself that you couldn't really have given a title for a kind of random reason... (such as : "the view is a bit from above, and I've already painted something high called "The Ivory Tower", so let's present this one with "Beneath the Ivory Tower").
And at that moment, all of the imagination related with this previous painting came back.... and I've suddenly realized how your present painting was the opposite.
I kind of understood why you've been led to find these words : Beneath the Ivory Tower. Unconsciously, consciously, however they were there.
In fact, the Tower symbolized strenght, resistance, heroism, sufferings, desintegration with time... a glorious life, but a hard life too.
To be straight, solid, quite immobile, alone... can someone really live this way forever ?...
"Benath the Ivory Tower"... there's the oppsite : everything is alive, in relation, in motion, with curves, inviting...
Everything flows, like a river.
As if the reward, for the brave Tower, was to, finally, live in such a paradise.
Because, "Beneath the Ivory Tower", means that the Tower IS in that landscape.
So, that's why I've had the feeling of a river.
(river, tower, later, never)
Wow..... (and I so very seldom say that....especially with a positive connotation.)
I am speechless.
These are the most beautiful connections you have ever made, or made so far, I don't know. I don't quite have the words. You have used all the words in the world.
Your artworks are a whole ; and it's always a pleasant game to find the secret connections existing between them. I like that!
It could be possible to list the various understated themes of your art, to give cues to the ones who see the paintings for the first times (but perhaps they wouldn't have so much pleasure as discovering all of that by themselves :) )
Yes, but not everyone sees what you see.
I got reminded of what monk Komyo wrote about my artworks, years ago, about my very identity laying bare, to be interpreted as one wishes.
Thank you for seeing, Chris!