If only we could have dropped these flyers on J-town...
Discernment has been bred out of many societies. And critical thinking. And and and. Stop me, please. I have a few gripes today :)
So about the koolaid -- I was 2ish. Super smart, but not super obaservant like my little man. I got a pitcher, a pack of koolaid, and a spoon.
Went to the bathroom, got undressed, and got into the tub with my supplies. Did the koolaid making and took a sip --- ewwwwww!
It took me until I was about 8 to realize that I did not add sugar to it. Now my little dude...
I walk out of the kitchen and he is yelling "mommy, mommy" -- what?? "You forgot the sugar into the tea!!" He is 2. I am thankful :) for such a great helper.