Whooo Hoooo my girl is back!!!!! 😃 It’s so good to see you posting again, I sure have missed you too! 😘 I hope you got everything worked out!
What an awesome return with such a gorgeous lampshade! I love the name of it, it suits it well. I love the closeup pics of the beads! 😍
Welcome back my dear and it’s good to see Dax back at work too!! 😄😘
Thank you so much @crosheille! It is good to be back. Woot...I got it all worked out, and Friday is my first day. Yay! This lamp seemed to go on for months! I actually did two others in the interim that I will soon share. I'm trying something different a new, and thus far, it is "Dax Apperoved". LOL.
Woot! Woot! Yay that is great news!!! 😃
I look forward to seeing what else you’ve been working on! I know if it’s Dax Approved it will be Amazing!!! LOL 😆