Take the latest situation you had recently encounter which was ecstatically fun and share it with the world of Artistic Non-Fungible Tokens, not simply to buy "ap[e,u]nk" cryptographic-sealed cards, but more in meaningful more meaningful ways, to share a part of you, or to trust someone else experience to tell you something with low-pixel-art, yet of high standards!
So the first thing to start using this game is not to create an account (because it should have been done a while back then), but to capture an image of an emotive, surprisingly awesome, or even sad situations and to use our pixel art laboratory to start the transformation of your image to something with less colors, approximately the cube of original color number less five, and so by the way a huge difference of weight. (Spoiler: Those ARE actually stored 100% on a blockchain named Hive (Initially Steem) and visible from the following web application link:
Once you got it, there, your light and beautiful Artistic Situation featuring a description, comments, and the pixel art in the whole as an NFTs embed into it (the blockchain), you benefit from the right to prove that this art, currently belongs to you throughout cryptography, and so ensuring you are the only first author of such art, since it can not be deleted, but people often forget, so I can not see why this is a threat.
So, let's say, you are in the universe tainted by futuristic terms and concepts, VR, AI, and all that stuff, the dinosaurs of these elements are pixels, and pixel art is the oldest metaverse art yet to have existed, but you can still do it, now while understanding throughout the design theme, that you are using a very sharp tool (this is powerful, I say it early), (our own) now we have algorithms predicting shape, color blending, and many more to compete and complete with your drawing skills and those of your friend and family. And so the best way to underscore the Achilles' heel of the competitors out there is to ask were does the source of the idea come from, does it rely on seriousness, trusted digital art? Or will it be war or even apathy in the "meta"-street of Facebook...
This was the source image, the output after two clicks, one on "auto contrast" and the other one on "auto less color" is shown above, try with any photo, it will do the job without too much time of yours ;)
Yes we have to know when technology is a powerful option to express the opinions of the facets of yourself trough simple and elementary technologies, such as pixel-level image drawing and manipulation which must stay smaller than Instagram post's images to be meaningful as NFTs, the other way around it just sucks value out of seeking for fancy terms which is never new but NFTs with cool word aside of it. Thus let's imagine the exhibition of the current world situations trough Artistic Situations coming from personal experience, only art stand for art, no ones talks about it supporting art in general, we will have a very meaningful way to say: Yes theses tokens (Pixel Art in ARTC. SITN.) can not be traded against predicatively valued to "undefined" token with a "unknown" type of followers, but it may, and personal creations are the only real-trusted non-fungible means of value originally saying.
To have the freedom to see other dreams, to care and shape about situations which must be artistic to be decently standing for you instead of against, and to store a part of the history you share with the blockchain is an incredible gift to expend your conscientiousness while preserving self-trust and self-identity since not everything is visible once there is less data in the image of the post, and this because an interface can achieve to do this, and to transport you into an other space, travelling trough shape, sounds, and themed colors, to make you feel, see, and hear, real experience which is less tricky than it appears, is trust able when the UI make you feel like it is a neo-sci-fi-cyber-punk environment telling you "hey, there your on the digital side of the universe you know as metaverse, not on the naturally ordered universe as raw as it may sound:" therefore you got it right, you know when your mind is absorbed by the metaverse, when it is art, and when it is not or about against like not profitable for you nor naturally safe to depict situations, you know what you do and where you are, but you may seek a purpose for each pixel art, thus engendering many new artistic situations among other, thus being a game with the ability to make one own's difference between the universe and metaverse.
Just at the horizon of both, we have the link connected inter-VR-cells, those are the pixels, and you can traffic them, touch them, click on it, batch process it, and do very raw yet beautiful operations after drawing a on a canvas or a situations from your mind in real life. I hope you understood the artistic gaming theory we told you trough this presentation, and why it is one of the part of the parts of the horizon belonging to the near universe and metaverse means of classing it (The experience). Don't do VR drugs, and don't do Timmy VR! Do, hey, look, do pixel art, it is a great battle against apathy and evil for us to express our-self with the machine against the bad one (apathy and machine).
What do you think, would you be able to express good feelings from the task of capturing respectively art-sensible-compatible situations which you can share, (sell it later or not, maybe never too) and describe with the modification you make trough a pixel art editor in it's lab to your image something that you can also describe with a short text. Thus creating a plethora of experience from fake and real sources (speaking of lives, not actors, or anything fake such as "données de scélérats").
A. Matias & +Family & Co & +Friends & Lovely computer,
Look, who build apps without millions but some hundreds and few thousands, people like good-karma and so on... Other devs just be like let's get haped (hype/ape) by money and just appears to act like ape having paper money, yacht, and binary encrypted in computer, but wait, no, talented value bringing at least ONE NEW THING, let's say, thank you META for the rain of fake project event not running well after millions spent and thanks real gaming (not that one, well...), for your visuals graphics performance-learned programming and everything which is spent like humans not ape trowing paper money on female asses in video clip and then buying AND selling it as creepy dead-simple nft.
This app, made literally no fun of it's technology, it's a jewelry you have my mouth and my own tongue now it depends on those smart monkey and those dirty beasts (yes both of them/us) to know what we will conquer. without shame but transparency I assume my rage against the grain.