The combination of four four crossing knots, illustrated here, sets the first protocol-imposed limit to logical linking of the same knot. Another four crossing knot would “daisy chain” its combination outside of this grid of nine modules, expanding the number of unused modules and an excess of nulls in the system. The diagonal expansion in this seven of nine use that identifies this unique knot with the value of modules 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86 and 87 in Cryptoknot is first obvious here. These tokenized numbers will never be associated with any other entity but the immutable combination that caps off the joining of four four crossing knots, and this, as the base for six combinations with three crossing knot additions that each adds seven more Cryptoknot, will introduce the necessity for a five crossing knot; the next-in-sequence; to be added to the progression of combinations.
That sets the relationship between tokenized numbers from the efficient application of modules in the creation of combinations and the governing of when there is a next-in-sequence knot addition by a consensus decision set by the protocol. The approval by consensus of each knot that enters the registry is at the core of the system.
The White Paper plans all combinations of three, four, five, and six crossing knots, and the first prime knot; seven; as the creator's reserve, and all the tokenized numbers these have associated with them to be distributed in an ICO that establishes the value-base for every token that follows, from the eighth knot forward, that will continue to be made in a totally autonomous distributed generation process, forever.
All of this, as stated many times, is done as a conceptual art that has as its objective proving that a continuous creation of unique knots can go on forever. In the process, this continuous making of unique works of art will continue to generate tokenized numbers that possess the value of this relationship of uniqueness to capital.
I am making these decisions in this Alpha phase of the generation process. In the white paper web site there already are in excess of a hundred next-in-sequence knots, way beyond a hundred combinations using just the first three knots in the sequence, and more than a thousand tokenized numbers from just those combinations.
I don't know many dinosaurs but I'd have a preference for the one with the least organic compounds to add to the oil supply. Global warming and fat dinosaurs must be somehow connected.