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RE: Protestors (close-up) + Yūgen:13 (Original Art)

in #art7 years ago

Ha, gotta love these kinda signs, brightening the sight of hundreds/thousands of upset people... Reinforcing the truth that we, collectively, are resisting... peacefully. The last protest I attended was Occupy (Bristol) between 10,000-20,000 people turned up (although the news didn't down-played it loads) and I'm pleased to say, the whole thing went off very peacefully with a lot of laughs chucked in! Unfortunately I can't say the same about the million masks march every November 5th (London) which is why, although I'd like to join, I just can't. London police scare me and people just get too enraged. Whereas I can have a drink with Bristol police and everybody's lovely... Ha, love this city!