Who am I you ask?

in #art8 years ago


I guess the best explanation of who I am in a nutshell is a content creator. I love to create things and various forms. I've been an artist virtually all my life. I remember when I was 6 years old I drew a picture of a tyrannosaurus-Rex in a skeleton form and my teacher was so excited about it that she called the principal in to look at it. I didn't think it was all that great but it was nice having a cheering section like that. I knew then that I had a talent.

I currently suffer from many physical disabilities that at times hinder my ability to create content. I cannot speak for other artists, but I know from my perspective that I cannot draw what I don't feel. If I am in pain, depressed, anxious, or irritated I just cannot concentrate. So it is a struggle to do what needs to be done.

One of the things however that always brings me joy is when I am creating something. I put my music on, grab my Wacom Tablet, load up Adobe Photoshop, and I'm off and running to make artwork such as this!


shredder got april1.jpg


Ultimate Gohan v Super Buu2.jpg

Now I'm not the greatest artist in the world, but I'm always improving. I was told by an artist named Franchesco that "Whenever you feel as an artist that you got it, you are in trouble." He is right. It's not just about art but any endeavor in life. We have to keep moving to keep from becoming stale. We have to stay humble to keep from becoming over-confident. Cement is fine as long as you keep mixing it. Once you STOP moving it however, it hardens, sets, and become immovable. For an artist this can be much worse as if we start to feel like we have it all figured out, not only will our abilities plateau, but eventually start to regress. That is why I always look at other artists who are truckloads more talented than I am. I pay attention to how things look in real-life and pack it away in my brain.

I also try to help other people as much as I can and uplift them. Even if someone shows me something that looks less than desirable, I carefully deduce that things that were done well and I stress those things first and MORE than criticisms. When I do find something wrong, I make sure I explain why it is wrong and give detailed instructions on how they can fix it IF THEY WANT TO. Art is in the eye of the beholder. There is plenty of artwork in the world that is worth thousands of dollars that I personally wouldn't pay 2 cents for even if I had thousands of dollars to just blow, but that's MY opinion. For someone else, it may be a masterpiece. That's part of the beauty of the world that everyone can have their own vision of beauty.

I may not get a lot of favorites on DeviantART, I may not get many likes on Instagram or Facebook, but I do get SOME and I thank God for those wonderful people who took time out of their lives to share in my created content because they didn't have to.

I don't expect to get a lot of hits on this site either, but I won;t rule out the possibility. Just trying something different and growing my brand.

Well I've yakked long enough. This is just a simple hello to everyone and to give a cursory background on who I am. As always, thank you for taking the time to read my blog, and have a great day!