Hi friends,
The theme of this week is the human body. The activity begins today (March 19, 2018) and finish next monday (March 26, 2018), when this post receives payout.
You're invited to join and show your artwork, it can be in any medium with any technique but related to human body. Total fund of this activity is 10 SBD and it will be splitted among all the participants who follow the rules.
No winners, no losers, just an opportunity to show your art.
The rules are:
- Upvote this post, while it is open.
- Resteem this post
- Comment this post placing the picture / vídeo / audio of your artwork and the link to your post, so I can track your participation and people will see what you have created.
- Should be your own artwork
- In your post, briefly describe the process of the creation of your artwork and put some images about that. Could be in english or spanish
- No porn, horror, or other content that may be offensive.
- Artistic nude is allowed
- Please make sure you upvote this post before it has received payout. If you upvote after that, you won't participate
If you need inspiration, you could take a look to this old contest held by @yoganarchista
Here are some of my favorites artworks created in that contest.
For this activity you may use photography (any medium is valid). Below is an example
Thank you @rubeidy. I got inspired with your photo:
Yeaaah!! Amazing , thanksssss friend!!
Hi all, my entry is here: https://steemit.com/artzone/@vasilstefanov/drawing-of-a-human-body
SourceThank you! @vasilstefanov
Here is a link to my entry
This is an older drawing of mine from 2017 called "Apple". I decided to enter this into this weeks contest, because I was very much thinking of the body when I drew it. Of course, as with all of my work (which I hope to share more of on Steemit) --it is abstract. Recognizable images start to emerge in abstraction, but then pull back into the unrecognizable or abstract. In other words: you might begin to see some body part or shape that looks like a body part, but then that the picture flips back into the abstract and away from the recognizable image again. This is why abstraction continues to drive my work. It thrills me every time I work on a new picture or look at work I've finished or look at work by an abstract hero of mine like Willem de Kooning.
Here is my entry:

Thanks @danielfs and everyone participating! ♥️ - Ellen
awesome! smooth lines. Kooning's works are also pleasant, strong strokes, but i prefer the lines of you work.
Thanks so much @danielfs -AND- thanks so much for your Art Activity Contests. It was really good to get some of my abstract work up here today on Steemit and I have you to thank for the push! :)
Hola, aquí mi entrada, saludos!.
Impresionante! la textura de la piel. Muchas gracias por participar !
Hi, I posted my entry before the payout, however, I'm late in posting here in the comment section my entry. I don't know if my entry is still valid or not, but I'm going to give it a shot. So, here's my entry by the way,
Esta es mi entrada para este concurso, los invito a que se pasen por mi blog y vean el contenido, si les gusta apoyenme si creen que lo merezco.
Gracias! una pose muy expresiva!
Hola, esta es mi entrada, espero sea de su agrado!
Gracias @saya03, muy buen dibujo!
Gracias ☺
thanks for your entry! Nice drawing!
Excellent! @thank you for participating!
thanks @danielfs
Gracias, muy dinámico tu dibujo!
Me encanta!
Mi entrada para el concurso
Hi this is my entry:
Hi @josyweed, don't forget to include a picture in the comment
Sorry.i forget.. but thanks.

Thanks for the contest. Here's my post
It is weakly related to the human body. Maybe my picture is not suited for the contest. But
PS I really like it because competitions like this help me to cope with stress, get rid of complexes about my artwork and get good emotions. :)
Thank you! you're part of this activity. The character has a human body!
Thank you @e-rich. don't forget to resteem if you want to participate in the split.
Excelente me gustan los concurso
Hello! I find your post valuable for the art community! Thanks for the great post! ARTzone is now following you! ALWAYs follow @artzone and the artzone tag, and support our artists!
excellent contest has my participation
This is my entry I hope you like it
Thank you! I like your drawing
Hello this is my entry:
SourceThank you @visabella!
Excited for this weeks challenge @danielfs! I'll be working on my entry and post it as soon as it is ready!
I hope you will accept my drawing
yeah. thank you @izaid
Hello friends here is my entry to the contest I hope you like it.
Thanks for your entry!
This is my entry @danielfs. https://steemit.com/art/@dexter.weed/art-activity-for-next-week-the-human-body-earn-sbd-by-participating
SourceThank you @dexter.weed
Mi entrada al concurso aquí
mi link: https://steemit.com/art/@yris/art-actividy-for-next-week-the-human-body
Thank you for joining!
Thanks for your drawing!
Here is my entry
Thank you!
Esta es mi entrada al concurso
Gracias por participar!
Hola esta es mi entrada al concurso .
Gracias por participar. Muy buen dibujo!
Está es mi entrada al concurso,espero que te gusté.
Holaa @danielfs he aqui mi entrada: https://steemit.com/art/@ciaolovers/actividad-art-el-cuerpo-humano
Gracias, muy expresiva la danza. Espero ver tu trabajo finalizado. Saludos!
Ya mi computadora revivio :D
Que buena imagen, luce vibrante!
Mi participación, espero les guste

gracias! que hermoso dibujo!
Esta es mi Entrada:

Gracias, una pose con mucha acción!
Mi entrada: Cuerpo Humano

gracias por participar! una pose que desafía la gravedad!
este es el trabajo que realiza mi hija de 13 años de edad para que lo comparta con ustedes gracias
Many times artists who like to draw figures prefer to draw the "not so perfect body". I drew this last week for a "curvy body contest". I found this model from the Lovefigures.com website.
By the way, i have been trying to upvote your post, @danielelfs, for the past 10 hours and it wont let me for some reason. I can upvote other people though... 🤨
¡Hola! @danielfs. Este es mi dibujo para este concurso, lo llamé: naturaleza y alma. Le puse mucho cariño al hacerlo y sobretodo lo disfruté, usando mis colores favoritos de creyones y marcadores. Aunque por inconvenientes del Internet en mi país, no pude subirlo a tiempo para participar en el concurso, aún así quise compartirlo con todos ustedes <3 ¡espero les guste!
Saludos, esta es mi participación en la actividad de arte de la semana https://steemit.com/drawing/@rodode/el-cuerpo-humano-art-activity
This is my participation Link
This is my entry. Hoped that I'm still not too late for your contest sir. :)