Hello everyone!
Some of you may have already seen these on my instagram account a while back (Daniel_Unger_Art). I created these four artworks while reading "Amy & Jordan" by Mark Beyer (an outsider artist that you should definitely check out!). I'll write more about him specifically in another future post. For now, let us quickly explore the four artworks and the ideas/thought process behind them.
People often get unnerved when there are eyes constantly staring at them: it's usually a weird skin crawling feeling, followed by looking behind you and trying to make out whatever it is that's observing you. With this artwork I tried to go one step further and thus removed the eyes completely. What remains are two big, empty holes ... and a weird grin, a pale face and a trench coat. Those only make the whole thing a little bit more creepy. The crisscross pattern in the background prohibits the eye from resting, thus only enhancing the feeling of uneasiness.
Guy on a boat
This fellow here is trying to paddle on a drifty river. Even though, judging by the stressed out face of the victim, the river seems to be anything but chaotic, due to the calm, swirly pattern of the water waves. Is the almost orderly structure of the water only deceiving us and thus actually much more dangerous and chaotic ... or is the man on the boat just bad at paddling?
Cool guy on a bench
The title says it all: Sunglasses, poker face, arms stretched out wide on the bench. What else do you need to look even cooler? That's right! A striped shirt that will definitely attract the attention of everyone around you.
Angry, red and screaming
I tried to use as much curves as possible in order to give the whole scene some dynamic. The person in the middle, backed into a corner, is angrily screaming and shaking his fist. The feeling of unfiltered rage is only enhanced with the help of the different shades of red and violet. The question remains: What is he angry about? He's mad because this post comes to an end.
See you all soon!