I'm not hating Chip like I initially was, I actually kinda feel sorry for the lad. After all, who could blame the dude for not wanting to kiss those soft pouty lips?
I do think for the good of Comment Challenge, you need to get together with the girls and protect @danielsaori from the devious attraction of Spikey, as she seems to have used her seductive influence to get his attention too.
And I'm afraid that @beeyou got tired of the whole sordid affair, she is not used to the tawdry and lurid details. She is just a sweet sweet young momma that has virgin ears. I can't blame her from distancing herself from the whole seedy and seductive world that Spikey lives in. :D
My virgin eyes! (and ears)
hahaha... I know right... I really think you are so dainty and pure that I hated to see you get dragged into this tawdry love web filled with all kinds of seedy behavior... :D