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RE: Sharing my Game of Bones animal parodies and Faffing about on a Sunday morning.

in #art6 years ago

Ah, faffing, one of my fave's. I love your scheduled un-schedule-ness. I am more of a seat of the pants sort, not really scheduling much of anything. I suppose that is why I'm not always getting done what I need to do. We are all such interesting characters of the human sort, are we not all.
I love this series you are doing. Being a large G.O.T. fan, these are classic. You've captured them so well with typical dda whimsy. As we've both commented many times, humor makes the world spin better, and you've got that down to a fine art.

I do have a ?? that I've pondered on your site for awhile. And you've reminded me of it. So...for the models, do you send them the shirt, and they/someone photos them? Or do they have model 'cutouts' like my sister used to play with (on the computer, of course, rather than cardboard in today's world), that they put an image of a whole shirt upon. Like those clothes with the foldover 'tabs' that hold them on. Though virtually, not in real life. I'm sure NONE of this makes any sense, so you can just brew some more tea, sit in your chair, sigh out an effusive "oh, dd..." and go on with your Sunday. But I just had to ask. (Plus I learned some new youthful vernacular...'fleek'.)
Well, hope your day is a nice one. It's raining here, so I'm on the box, rather than choring right now. Hard to keep up with all of this, that's for sure. I've been very much a delinquent...more than the usual fare of such. Well, Cheerio(s) and other early AM boxed confectionery delights


Well, lists, like rules, are made to be broken or not checked off. I think the action of the list making is probably the thing that gets me to 'get started' and I always tell myself, if I can do just one thing on it, and usually once I get going, I find I take action. But, somedays are just for staring and everyday is for a bit of faffing. :)

That model is just from the redbubble site, they provide that by placing your artwork on the template of the model wearing the shirt. It's pretty good I think, of course if people knew how much of what we see online is simply comupter algorithms and how much 'writing' is also done by AI programs, they'd probably freak out. Meh, I've accepted our robot overlords :)

I wish we had rain. This morning (Monday) it is cool and I have to head to one of my cottages to get it winterized, so dealing with plumber and such. It's that time of year.

This is almost a #steemitletter :) But, we always do those, it's just a 'dd' thing.

We dd's gotta stick together. I wondered if those photos were of W.A. modeling the shirts, but thought "probably meh" (I love that term of disbodlement). (And that new word I just made up.) I'm glad you have accepted our digital overlords. I'm still fighting it, with a modicum of minor effort.

No, neither of us are that 'cool', nary a tattoo amongst the pair of us ;)

Me either too (though maybe I'm cool in some other, way-abstruse way)