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RE: The image is made of own imagination and thoughts (competition 22)

in #art5 years ago

My story based on your art:

Sapphire Sunset on Osthavi VI

Of the 20 known Osthavi Worlds, Osthavi VI is the one that would most remind an Earthling of Earth – blue sky, temperate climate, and far enough from its yellow hypergiant star, Ostha, so that the sky is a very Earth-like blue, although a more jewel-toned blue toward sunset than the average on Earth.

If one could take a vacation to this distant planet, and survive the much higher gravity and heavier atmosphere, no lovelier place could be visited than Lake Xpilar, one of Osthavi VI's many mountain lakes … the above postcard is the view from lakeside at sunset, the clouds heralding the presence of autumn, Osthavi VII shining like a great moon in the sky, and Ostha's golden light streaming in from behind through other mountain peaks, highlighting autumn foliage.

Imagine being there … the warm evening breeze flowing through with the golden light from behind as the silvery water plays in the shadows of the peaks and with your toes, and perhaps with an Osthavirian foot with its seven toes also enjoying the cool water near you. The day length on Osthavi VI is 30 hours, too, so you could drink in this late afternoon scene for quite some time without any significant change except for Osthavi VII rising over head more rapidly than Ostha sets. The Great Star, as the natives call it, always seems to linger as if the sky would not know what to do without it – it is so massive, actually, that it just takes a while before enough of it is below the horizon to create the classic “red” part of the sunset for two hours – so, this is the sapphire sunset on Osthavi VI, at Lake Xpilar.

Lake Xpilar is much favored by the people of the regional countryside for quiet rest and meditation – it is too remote from major cities even in the space age of Osthavirian civilization for it to be a destination for the masses. If it were on Earth, it would be inaccessible for another reason: it is roughly as high in elevation as Mt. Everest. It is not exactly a short hike for the Osthavir either, but they have the advantage of having breathable air mixed evenly in the atmosphere all the way up to the argon layer of the atmosphere, and also relatively even temperatures are well. In the mid-fall, it is still quite warm at the lake, but there are other considerations. Those abundant clouds are not just up there to be lacy decoration on that sapphire sky … a pretty blue sunset like that heralds a rainy night and morning.

Weather happens on the side of Osthavirian mountains as it does on earth, and as Ostha contracts in size and triggers winter in the Osthavi worlds, the clouds begin to form, showing that all the water evaporated in the late spring, all summer, and through the early fall is about to return to the planet in the late fall, all winter, and early spring. Storms on the Osthavi worlds are generally not violent in terms of wind, but the rain is relentless once it begins. So, keep in mind that rain gear is essential at this time of the season. You need the reminder now because by the time Earthlings can take luxury voyages of 50,000 light years or more, things like umbrellas and rain coats and boots and such are likely to be forgotten in the excitement. Make a note now, so that you can get the most of your sapphire sunset at Lake Xpilar without catching cold the next morning from being soaked!

And, here is the link:


Hi @deeanndmathews

thanks for a great story based on my digital photo