Art is everything, yet nothing at all...

in #art8 years ago

The first time I saw art was the first time I realized art wasn't a thing. I saw my surroundings and saw art in everything I saw. This is when I started becoming aware of my surroundings and what was going on in the world around me. To me, art serves some sort of purpose in reality whether that be physically, mentally, emotionally or culturally. I see nothing in this world that doesn't fit into any category.

By recognizing art you must recognize what it is. Creativity is the backbone of the human race and evolution and without it we would not develop both physically and mentally as human beings. Open your eyes and look around you. You could make the case that nothing is art because everything is art, or vice versa. Everything was once an idea. It is not the idea that is art but what happens after the idea is put into the real world.

This made me realize the importance of everything both physically and virtually. Before I might see something and not see any importance in it. Not until you put an imaginary timeline on things is when you will realize it is art. Take a promethean board: You see one in every classroom and think nothing of it. It’s a cool device but it has become a normality seeing one everyday for most people. Take into consideration the effort, energy, and creativity in its purist form. What started as an idea of what could be was put on paper and engineered to become the real piece of art it is.

I really connected to this way of thinking about art because it makes me more appreciative of the things around me. They might be the most simplist thing but it is not until you look at something in depth to see what it really took to make something. Inventions are art and remain art even when changed over time. What started as a wheel was just a circle, and now this design is used everywhere. The importance of this is it promotes a better way of living and most importantly change. Art is the creativity that surrounds us and progresses us through time and until someone realizes art is everything they must realize it started as nothing.