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RE: From my Animals in Chairs series: Beary Relaxing

in #art7 years ago

So true, kindred spirits for sure are we! And there is so much joy and laughter in the world, we just sometimes lose sight of it because our 'overlords' don't want us too happy, so if you plug in, watch news, or pay attention to the 'world' they are giving us, it's hard to laugh.

I have the luck of being a selfish introvert so I can unplug and stay by myself and draw and laugh and thing of silly things until I am blue in the face (if that is the result of too many silly things?)

There is also the old saying, if you don't laugh and laugh you will cry (I'm GREATLY paraphrasing, but it about sums it up)

Also there are plenty of moody dark art and artists already so why not be a colourful kooky version there of?


Here here to kooky and colorful. As you say, there's enough negativity flying around to sink a boat, so onward to the joyous end of things. And it's not just the Overlords, but the ability to even see it, amid all the other claptrap , as my grandfather was wont to say, that fills our life on a daily basis. I call it truly seeing, what some folks only look at. And I can relate, sometimes it's fun to come up with something, and just laugh out loud at what ends up on the screen or paper.
I have a bunch of journals that have ideas in them, and sometimes it's: Where did THAT come from? But glad it did...