As I grew up I was always anti-trends because I wanted to be original and not follow the crowd. Now I have a different perspective, and don't mind it anymore because I realized that you can still use trends, be original, and not follow the crowds. haha :P Thank you for the great post, Megy :)
And as I've read somewhere before, trends just cycle in and out.
I forgot I wanted to share this link too:
Same here, but as you grow up and learn more about how our society works you start to realize exactly that what you are saying now and what the guy in this video is showing us! Untill 20-30 years ago the world was an isolated place, from itself... until the times of internet and easy spread of information every country has the same music beat but with the lyrics on their own language (just an example). So, the internet era starts and everybody starts to combine everything with everything, borrowing, stealing or just mixing (like the guy say at the start of the video). But the internet thing has been now with us for like 30 years and we have read every story so far, heard every type of music, watched every kind of movie in a relatively short time, and why it that? Because we make things, like you said, just cycle in and out! But now, now comes the times when we have to push forward! My point from a context of this post is that these few years in front of us will be the greatest experimentation so far of everything we have learn and experience. Past, present and imaginative future are coming together in a way that we cannot any more control it all together but instead, we will have to adapt our selves to the product that we have set on fire a few decades ago and the world will become one hell of a self-sustainable machine. Anyway, don't thank me Doddledanga, I have to thank you for understanding how ''things'' are working out there because now it is important for the people to realize what kind of times are coming with this new movement that we are part of it in here and I just want to add to the conclusion one important thing: These few decades of internet existence that we are part of are just an overture into the times that are going to shape our lives and lives of our successors.
Tnx for sharing the video! It is a great one!