When they bare their teeth.... and you get a close up look....they all look the same! LOL
I don't like these little dogs... they're the worst of the worst!!! They're so annoying and those voices... so high pitched... and they just go on and on and on...
hmmmm sounds like i'm describing myself.
but i do like wolves!!!! Ever since The Journey of Natty Gann..... ahhhhh i've always wanted to have my very own wolf!!!! but... they're actually very dangerous. My friend bought one. and his wife woke up one day from the couch with the wolf sitting directly in front of her staring at her. lololol she was so terrified hahahahaha
i think this comment is very odd. but i love your art. :)
and i love that you give them to charity! :)
if i rename myself Charity - will you give one to me??? hehehe
haha you always have the best replies!
Yeah those little shits are something else >.>
Owning my own wolf would be awesome! I need one :D But only when I have a forest as a garden or something.
hahaha you can always buy them from the Charity :P
I will buy them from charity if you sign them "to my friend Dreemie, the only wolf you will ever have in your life"
Did you answer those 12 questions yet!!! Lol
haha well the charity is in South Africa tho.... But if you go I'll most certainly sign it for you! :P
hahaha no not yet I've been procrastinating xD