"Ithaqa" Comic Book Update #164 Steemit Crowdfunding #Steemstarter

in #art7 years ago (edited)


So I'd like to talk about a great idea that @bryan-imhoff has put forth in order to help artists raise money for their work. We all know about Kickstarter, but what about a Steemstarter? Why not crowdfund our work here on steemit, where anybody can chip in to help a project reach their funding goal?

A person who was running a Steemstarter campaign would set goals for upvotes/steem to be raised, and could keep track of where they came from (and their %) in order to dole out rewards. Benefits for upvoting could range from upvoting in kind, to digital pdfs of the work, to even physical rewards!

Now I'm not saying I have all the details worked out, but I figured the first step would be to create the #steemstarter tag. Artists who are looking to reward steemers for supporting their content could use the tag in their posts. Likewise, people who'd like to fund art, or recieve swag, could browse the #steemstarter feed for projects to get involved with. Maybe they could even garner Executive Producer status with a hefty enough upvote! Would be a great place for whales to swim since they'd have an easy time finding great content that could really use a boost.

Bryan has a great post in which he discusses similar ideas, but I'm happy to hear from others as well.


I obviously don't own this concept, and if someone beats me to implementation, power to them! I'll be the first person to throw a vote in, but in the meantime I'm going to try and visualize what a Steemstarter campaign would look like, and how it could be implemented. If I see anybody using the steemstarter tag, I'll be sure to throw them an upvote! (providing they're posting original art).

But I digress, this is also an Ithaqa update! Great news everyone, I have secured a newspaper interview with the Ithaca Journal (tomorrow). Surprise surprise, Ithacans might be interested in reading a comic about their city! NYC and LA always get all the love in comics, tv, and film, but I think it's time we tell stories in other parts of the world, eh?


You can bet your ass I'll be telling this journalist all about steemit, and how it has helped me to pay my artist and letterist! Hopefully it is just phase 1 of a larger PR push that will put Ithaqa on the map, and drive new creators to our community :)

Lastly, I've set up an email grab at https://www.ithaqacomic.com/contact-us/

If you sign up there, I'll send you 8 pages of the comic, fully lettered!

Additionally, If you're new to this comic I strongly recommend you check out our instagram, as I'm currently uploading pages from issue 1-2 there every day (this is issue 3).

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ithaqacomic/

Theresa Chiechi's (The Artist @la-fumettista) website is here: http://www.theresachiechi.com/

Sign up to buy the comic on our website: https://www.ithaqacomic.com/

FB: https://www.facebook.com/pg/IthaqaComic/about/?ref=page_internal Twitter: @IthaqaComic


Thanks for the nod, but you’re doing all the work! Thanks for getting this proposed and out there. Truthfully you’re kind of my guinea pig! I’m always excited to learn from your experiences with Ithaqa to hopefully follow in your footsteps.

Congrats on the interview! Do they have an online site that might carry it as well? We could try to flood them with Steem traffic!

I also would like to know if there is an online site that I can check out the interview!

they do, and I'll post it when it happens!

Hey @bryan-imhoff do you know of any other great steemit tools that could be used to track voter activity? Steemitreports is great obviously.

Trying to think of the ways I could track who voted in the campaign, how many times they voted, and how much money that actually translated into...

P.s. I made sure the journalist wrote down what I had to say about steemit today, so fingers crossed we get an influx of Ithacan artists haha

Here’s one I think is good.


That is the contributors screen, which shows $$, but there is also a votes tab that you can filter by # of votes, # of votes with vote weight % factored, and # of votes + vote weight + SP if you want to see the raw “vests” info.

I haven’t had a chance recently, but this list


Would be good to scroll for other visualization alternatives. With a little know how (that I unfortunately don’t have!) I’m sure someone could code a fairly simple dashboard interface that’s geared directly to crowdfunding purposes. I’d love to see that! But I think it’s totally doable manually now with the reporting linked above!

Great work on the interview, can’t wait to see it!

cool, I'll tackle those for sure....

Are you still in for a guest piece of art in the ithaqa universe? I think that would be a GREAT Steemstarter reward, and perhaps I could reach out to my other friends here for similar contributions...maybe guests posts....

Absolutely! If there’s anyone/thing you’d be particularly keen to see my “take” on, please feel free to request/hit me with a bit of a “brief.” Otherwise I’ll just wander through a lot of your posts & see what strikes me!

They do have an online site, I'll be sure to figure out exactly what format this interview will be published in (podcast, article, blog?) and let everyone know! And I'm happy to be a guinea pig haha, especially if it gets this comic in peoples hands!

This is great news and a wonderful idea <3 I really like the sound of Steemit being able to provide a platform for artists and quality content producers. REALLY NEAT <3

Good luck for the interview and I wish Ithaca more and more and more success <3

Chiechi's arts are gorgeous and your story and characters are just so wonderful~ I wish all the success to you <3 <3 <3


Thank you! Interview went really well today, I'm hoping they will do a do a follow up interview/article with Theresa in a few months to keep our name in the papers/webs haha.

Thanks for your support in all this! Steemit has done such a great job of bringing a community of artists and art lovers together!

Aaah, glad to hear interview went well :> And yes, a follow up interview with Theresa would be so wonderful to keep up the pulse of your beautiful work in the minds of art / comics enthusiasts!!

<3 <3 <3

I will continue to support \o/

Good thing there's no such thing as too much good news! I have to resteem this one. Congratulations on the interview!! Maybe Ithaqa will be instrumental in bringing more Ithacans together IRL and here on steemit.

Should we expect an upcoming Ithaca #promosteem post?☺

After all the time I spent away, I had to come back with a bang haha.

Also I'll be honest, I have no idea what promosteem is?

promo-steem launch post. You have a lot on your plate right now with your current project(s?), adding promo-steem would be taking things to an intense level!#promo-steem is described as a "Global Crowdsourced Marketing and Promotions Initiative". It was created last year by @stephenkendal and @starkerz (I believe) as a way to spread the word about steemit. Here is the

I definitely would love to see some sort of #Steemstarter movement, but I do have a concern. (Warning: Half-asleep spitballing ahead)

Steem, like all cryptocurrencies (and currency in general, I suppose), fluctuates in value, sometimes greatly. Knowing this, it couldn't quite replace Kickstarter-style projects as a monetary value is the end goal.

It would have to be done via SBD, Steem, or Steem Power. For example, when this project reaches X Steem Power, it is considered "funded".

Issues that I forsee:

  1. You only have 7 days to generate X (which is a SERIOUSLY short amount of time, and may be nigh-impossible for large projects).
  2. Upvotes are not worth equal weight. How do you determine fair rewards to upvoters without manually recording each one, and is it really fair that a new Steemit user who is eager to fund the project is less "useful" than a whale who "just drops by"?

I know I have more but my brain just completely blanked. Ugh.

Still, I personally LOVE the idea of developing some sort of Steemstarter method.

I've been thinking about these problems, I think for one thing there's no reason why you couldn't continue a campaign for more than 7 days. The hardest part would be keeping track of who upvoted or transfered how much.

Still, with apps like steemitreports you could break down # of upvotes and amount of steem over the course of however many days you want.

We'd have to adjust how the rewards are given, it wouldn't be exactly like kickstarter. For example somebody who upvoted several times for a total value of 1 cent, would maybe be eligible for a 1% upvote from the person raising funds, but you obviously wouldn't be sending them a signed poster or something

A Steemstarter would be great. We can support with a vote without doing info our funds. This is why Steem should work better than most donation driven schemes. I guess Utopian is doing something like this, but having a system of rewards like Kickstarter could be even better. I'd like to see the whales doing more to patronise artists like the aristocracy did in olden days. It wouldn't surprise me if someone is already working on this

Exactly, you can support art without anything coming out of your pocket! Some whales could move amounts of money that would render kickstarter obsolete, and at no personal cost to themselves.

I find myself reflecting on the Renaissance patron system of art funding a lot lately as well haha. Mostly in that I wish I had a patron sugar daddy XD

Still, I also feel like steemit is the crowdfunding/crypto answer to that patron system of old. It's way more democratic anyway!

That is a brilliant idea! One more piece of the puzzle. Any programmers out there that want to start this community with us?

I sure hope so, cause I'm unable to bring any coding to the table haha. What I'm doing is trying to assemble a format for what a Steemstarter could look like without any app support. Kinda just if you're someone like me, who wants to fundraise on steem to pay for a comic/piece of art.

If you need some help writing up the brief for Steemstarter, I am happy to help. I am an idea person and not a coder at least anymore!