Creative Gaga Magazine wrote another article about me. I've just found it being published almost two months ago and I've missed that news.
They wrote: In today’s international world, being a freelancer means being available to the entire world. No matter where you’re from, one needs to adapt to various clients and cultures to create a portfolio. Fil Dunsky, from Russia, with almost nothing Russian in his designs, uses humour and pun to make his illustrations work for brands all across. A little rendezvous gives more insight on how he creates what he does.
At the same time a lot of foreign people are telling me that my illustrations are so Russian styled. I can not see from aside and don't really know what is true but still lots of others are really expecting I am not Russian. Even here in Russia I've often hear You are not looking and talking like Russian.
Humour, the Best Way to Communicate with Global Audience
This Mag wrote about me in past already:
Born in Khabarovsk, Russia, Fil Dunsky is a full time freelance illustrator drawing for well-known brands and worldwide advertising agencies since 2009. With bachelors in Graphic Design and Fine Arts, he worked in a design studio for two years before going solo.
And after few years I was lucky enough to be featured there again. Thank you so much for the opportunity, guys!
: Your illustrations are cartoonish in appeal. What is your style of illustrations? What would you call it? And what have been your inspirations during your design journey?
Fil Dunsky
Andrey Gordeev. Oksana was the first digital freelance illustrator I saw that mesmerised me. Ever since, I’ve been inspired by her work and learning her style and technique. And Andrey is my best friend who was the reason behind me leaving an office designer job to become a freelancer.: For many designers, type of style is undefined. I don’ t know what my style is. All I know is that I put in a lot of love in my design, bake it and make it scrumptious so that the end user enjoys it. Through my design journey, my inspirations have been Oksana @grivina and
: From the look of it, your designs have a story. Where do you get such stories?
Fil Dunsky
: How designs manifest depends a lot on the task. Sometimes, the briefs are actually instructions that give less room for experimentation, and hence one simply has to recreate what the client imagines. No matter what the brief, the steps to arrive at an idea always remain the same. Boil the brief in your mind, sketch some ideas and then get one of them approved by the client before the chosen one is carefully finished. As for where I get my stories, well nature and creation are inspiring itself. Just look around. This world is so beautiful and full of stories, isn’t it?
: What would you say is Russian about your illustrations? How has designing in Russia, enhanced your illustration style? How do you make your designs to relate to an international audience?
Fil Dunsky
: I don’t think I have any Russian influence in my designs. I have never felt Russian, especially when the world has colluded and boundaries have been merged due to the internet revolution. Deep down inside, we are all international and there is no division that shows up in designs. Cultural influence comes from the client side at times, I feel. When I’ve drawn for clients from the UAE or China, they have specific cultural elements that need to be included. But that does not mean a designer needs to change his or her style.
: Your designs have a lot of elements in play. How do you create harmony amongst so many elements? How do you add your personal signature to all your designs?
Fil Dunsky
: I’m just doing what I like, there is no struggle in that and nothing serious, pure humour and fun. I’m just playing.
That's it! Hope you had get anything for you our of this interview and I am not wasted your time. Thank you for attention!
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freelance illustrator Fil Dunsky
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Congratulations! Perfect interview. Nice questions and good answers. Good luck with your work, Phil!
Спасибо ))
Cool, this is truly an incredible piece of work.
Your welcome, Friend.
Ого, сколько крутых иллюстраций. Все такие красивые! Но корова мне прям в душу запала:)
Интересное интервью! Спасибо!
Great interview! And some great examples of your wonderful work :)