Impressive Moving Art

in #art8 years ago

Last year in autumn I recorded this impressive Moving Art piece @ Thuishaven Sunday's outdoor festival in Amsterdam.

If I remember correctly, the music is Tom Trago DJing.


follow me @edje


That's cool indeed. 💈
I could put it on repeat haha, 15 seconds were short. ( ok, not so short as 1 second :D but still)

yea super short, but no time to record longer back then, needed to concentrate on the music 🙃

And last weekend too :)

Though we could appreciate a bit longer showcase of music and artists, one dancer appeared for a period 15 times shorter than this video 😅

P.S. the dancer word in this comment was autocorrected to danger 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

AI is still not as intelligent as you hahahaha

not sure about that 😂😂😂

This moving sculpturs are so great. :)

Absolutely; They guys of Thuishaven created it themselves. They have more, but unfortunately no videos in my collection. Next time I'm there, I shoot some more videos.