Work in progress: 1st coat of oil

in #art7 years ago


Im not doing so well right now, the chronic pain is severe. I slept for the most part since Mondays doctors appointment. The car ride of almost 3 hours back and forth is just brutal for my body and triggers the chronic fatigue and pain. All garden things are on hold. Most everything is on hold. I can barely get up from a chair. My hands havent worked for two months now. They keep getting worse. I havent been able to do any leather work so my business is pretty much dead right now. Holding a pen hurts, but I still draw, its one of the few things that helps me cope, that keeps me sane.

I signed up for the summer exhibition here in town, earlier this year. When I did I had no idea my hands were going to be this bad. But the paintings has to be done, the date for turning them in is getting closer, so this is one of seven paintings. I havent named it yet. Its based on a picture I took when my mom was visting last year.


Sorry to hear you are in pain, hope you find your way through it. Beautiful painting, love that you have used wood.

Thank you <3
All the 7 pieces will be on aged wood, I´m about to start paiting the second one today :D I just love how the texture of the wood adds to the painting

So sorry to hear you're dealing with chronic pain, that must be awful. Your art work is absolutely stunning. I am mesmerized. I hope you feel better soon. -Aimee

Yeah, I havent been this bad in years so its hard to deal with :/
Thank you, love your graphic design so that means a lot hearing it from you <3

<3 Thank you for the compliment.
Do you suspect something might have set your pain back into motion? I can't imagine struggling with that, but it looks like you're quite the champ for working through these challenges. Be sure to take rest for yourself, though I know it must be difficult when you just want to get busy with all the projects you have waiting for you.

Which exhibition will you be at, if you don't mind me asking? I am trying to remember how close/far we are from each other. (Feel free to message on discord too if you don't want to add it to the blockchain).

I must admit, when I hadn't seen you for a while I had wondered if baby elf had arrived. ;)

I have a connective tissue disorder called Ehlers Danlos syndrome, so all the collagen in my body is faulty, its thinner and more frail than it should be. So my body is not holding together like it should, joints and connective tissue is easily stretched and too loose. I´ve had chronic fatigue since i was a kid, the pain started in my teens. Strengthening muscles helps keeping my body together but female hormones makes everything softer, more loose so once a month i get worse, but the over all pain and fatigue gets better/worse in cycles too. But now being pregnant, everything is getting really loose to prepare for birth, which really sucks for me since everything is so loose already. The pain in my hands are mostly because of the increased blood in my body and that preassure most all women experience in their hands and feet. Only its affecting the joints real bad in my hands =/ My SI joints have been locked up since 4 weeks pregnant and now my hips are starting to feel unstable (dislocations/subluxation are quite common if you have EDS). But we knew it wouldnt be easy and its a high risk pregnancy with a number of things that could go wrong.

Yeah, there are so many things i want to do and usually i can push through the pain, right now thats not possible, its just too bad so i am resting. But its super frustrating!!!

Its called Camrose Art Walk, its just a small town thing. But I figured it could be fun and good exposure :D So my pieces will be at a Café called Sacred Arts , between July 23rd and sept 4th.
Hm, not sure we ever talked about where the other one lived, other than both of us being somewhat close to Edmonton

Hehe yeah, no, even typing is hard on my hands and since i havent done anything but sleep there havent been much to write about =P we had a hail storm the day after i posted about transplanted tomatoes tho, wasnt too too bad and all tomatoes and peppers survived phew

Wow! That's a lot to deal with. I can already tell you're going to be an amazing mother. I feel like a mothers first sacrifice is her body, but it's a worthwhile sacrifice, you know? Yes, I remember my body being loosey goosey when I was pregnant and swollen, oh so swollen. I could only fit 1 pair of shoes and couldn't even wear flip-flops. I couldn't wear my rings either. I had to do a lot of physio therapy work on my hips and be consistent at home with the exercises otherwise I had a lot of pain. I can't imagine what you're experiencing. Hang in there! The human body is pretty incredible and so is mindset.

I think you're right, maybe we did only discuss distance to Edmonton. Sometimes keeping track of conversations gets a little tricky here. I know Edmonton Art Walk usually has the artists out with their work for a few days, is Camrose the same? I will have to keep the café in mind and try to stop by while your art is being displayed! Art plus a hot cup-a-joe and you can count me in!

I am glad to hear the tomatoes and peppers survive! -Aimee

Yeah its pretty incredible what our bodies are able to do. And I agree, the mindset makes all the difference.

Yes, its the same, they have 2 periods of time when the art will be displayed, mine will be in the second one (figured i needed time to finish the paintings hehe)

Whats discord btw? Im quite new to all of this :)

yeah I paniced for a while there, but they survived and these past two days i´ve seen a lot of potatoes and onions come up too. I been a bit worried because the garden plot has the sun beating down on it all day

Ha ha! I admit, I am a bit of a procrastinator myself, though my reasons are definitely not as legitimate as yours.

We weren't going to do a garden this year but when I saw tomatoes BOGO I couldn't resist. Now I am dealing with having to repot as they grow and tipping them upright when the wind knocks them over. Here's hoping they're just being made more hardy. 🤞

Discord is a chat platform. You can use it on your computer or as an app. I think it was originally used for gamers but was adopted by Steemians as a way of communicating real time. You can have private chats or join groups. To be honest, Matt created the account and just set me up. Ha ha! -Aimee