Weapons... Hot, cold, mass scale, concealed, biological, chemical, nuclear... Please add an adjective I've forgotten. No other species on the face of the Earth invested so much time, energy, resources, effort and skill into killing their own. Sometimes, it feels as if we are racing as to which group of people will kill more members of another in the shortest amount of time. Being born within confinements of an imaginative 'state', being of a certain race, having a different religion, creed or social status, are only some of the reasons for this insanity continuing through generations.
But, what is really insane is that all of the greatest world's inventions were by-products of war industry. Cell phones and Internet are only the two more recent ones which you use daily. It wasn't much different throughout human history... Feel free to investigate deeper for yourself if you cannot believe it. Weapons industry is a major economy drive with trillions of dollars invested each year. What a shame...
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