Hello friends, today I bring you a new illustration and since there is no better way to deal with sadness and insecurities than with comedy, I took advantage of my vacation to tell you another little story through drawings.

It has been a lot of time since I started studying medicine and because of problems that have occurred in Venezuela the career has become infinite, in itself it is already a very long career but the last academic year that I studied literally lasted 3 years.
I remember we started fourth year in December 2018 and then in February there were political problems and we lost a few months, then in 2020 came the pandemic and we lost practically a year and a half, until we finally finished the year a couple of weeks ago and soon we will start to ao so I have hope, the career here in Venezuela lasts 6years.
I hope you liked my drawing, I made it with the flipaclip app which is perfect for drawing from your phone, fast and easy to use.
You can find me on instagram as @ lorena_manzanilla