Hello dear steemians greetings to all lovers of poetry and art.
As you know those who have seen my previous publications I was focusing a bit on what photography is and also what draws attention in my current city Trujillo Venezuela, today I close these posts with great pride because I feel as regionalist as He who loves his people and his people.
I feel that the poetry arrives in an exceptional way to the readers because in some way it marks and leaves the rumble of the verses and the rhyme in the mind and here are these lines for my people.
Monument of Peace

Manuel de la Fuente sculpted a majestic work
"The Monument to Peace", on a grandiose peak
Imposing in size, tons of concrete
Touching almost the clouds, rightly so gigantón
With 46.72 meters of height and 1200 tons
this sculpture stands up like any "fairy tale"
From its five viewpoints, on a clear sunny day
You will see part of the Sierra Nevada and the south coast of the lake.

Majestic and cultural among villas and castles
you are the imposing plaza of the capital, Trujillo
This is the Bolivar Plaza designed with care
full of visitors from December to January
architectural monument in Trujillo rises,
spirited steed on high every person loves
history have your benches, roads, trees
history have your streets your facades and balconies.

good things come my people, it is always good to restructure the ideas to publish good content, greetings to all artists.