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RE: 🍪 "The Spy" - surrealistic approach to the ever watching big brother

in #art7 years ago (edited)

yes, it makes sense.
But you know what? I think most of us are actually very well adopted to the system we live in. More, than we would like to admit. Only by circumstances, that alone is enough. We were assimilated even before born. Conditions were long set and I entered this world without knowing that I am a "good" citizen.

I do not believe that the leading class (or politicians or rich) is having a plan. Maybe I am wrong but I do not care so much, even though I had my camera lense covered for about two years. Just recently removed it because of a skype session with a friend.

I will appear on the radar as a molecule or a sand corn whenever I interfere with thy systems which need my data. Mostly just smoothly I am sliding through. But when I start to think about technology marrying bureaucracy I get the creeps. When it is connected to matter of health, for example. You read my article about organ donation? That is something I do not cope with.

So, I am too, having my fears. But actually not for myself but for my child. ... And then, and then, ... well, let's leave that. Your painting is expressing those anxieties in a much too well manner:)


Sorry for my late reply... been in my studio a lot and there I'm sort of "offline" :-)

Of course we are all used to the way things run and we don't think of it much in our every day routines. I also wouldn't care about being on some radar as a remote light dot.

But what if something freaky happens? Someone decides, that because of a certain combination of stored bits and bytes you become a target? You know... we all feel mostly safe in our cars, but that doesn't mean a truck can't hit us the next moment... Yeah, I too find it creepy, when technology and bureaucracy join forces and like you say, what's it all gonna be for our children?

OK, trying to find your post on organ donation now.

ich antworte dir mal auf Deutsch. Ich bin wieder mal mit einem entzündeten Auge unterwegs und werd Steemit eine Pause schenken. Will nur sagen, wundere dich nicht, wenn du nichts von mir hörst oder keine votes bekommst. Ich muss kürzer treten. Hier noch mein Artikel zum Organspenden:

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