Introduction: The Titanic it was a British liner, the largest passenger ship in the world at the end of its construction, that sank in the night of the 14 at the dawn of 15 of April of 1912 during its maiden voyage from Southampton to New York. In the sinking of the titanic, 1514 people died of the 2223 who were on board, making this tragedy one of the largest shipwrecks in history during peacetime.
Inspired by the words of its creators who nicknamed it "The titanic, the boat that can not sink" and that today resurges in this beautiful portrait.
Original Picture.
The titanic was built between 1909 and 1912.
1.My first steps:
Once the image was selected randomly I proceeded to draw only with a cardboard, a pencil of creyon, a scalpel and charcoal.
I started to draw...
2. Now the drawing is taking shape...
almost there...
3. And after hours of dedication I finish the titanic and just waiting for small details...
I finished... :D
Finally finished this work of engineering, as I had said before I had thought to draw another marvel and I finished my work that serves me to feed that talent of draftsman who accompanies me from an early age and wanted to present my drawing and I hope you like it , Even in the drawing leave Jack and Rose.
In my main image it is completely ready with all the missing details *
They are all invited to see my work and if they like I wait for their UPvote and if they wish they give you RSteem.
Thank you for taking a minute of your time to see this beautiful boat.
You can also see this post in Spanish:
El titanic resurge: Una de las maravillas de ingeniería del siglo XIX.
Good Evening!!!
seriously..did you make this ??? it is really amazing..i think you have spent alot of time on it...its really great
Yes, my friend I did ... before I draw the Eiffel Tower... in other post
yeh..i am taking a look..thats really amazing are a nice artist
Thanks brother
Oh, que hermoso tu dibujo!... es toda una obra de arte, es talento puro!
Gracias amiga se le aprecia su apoyo :D