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RE: Coming up Soon: Sculpt of a Maiko

in #art7 years ago

That is an amazing sculpt. I have dabbled a little bit with z-brush but found the UI weird. I am a long time blender user and do all my sculpts in that. It just seems so much easier to me, but then I am probably heavily biased, having used blender a million times more than zbrush.
Which parts are blender and which are z-brush and is there any particualr reason, you use both?
I will look forward to seeing more now that i have found you.


Hey thanks! I am switching to Blender, but I started sculpting with ZBrush and totally agree your view with the weird interface. But I kinda always start with Zspheres and do the same thing over and over again and sometimes learn something new, when I search for something. There‘s just a point where I don‘t want to use it anymore and see other artists stuff made with ZBrush and want to start again:D

The "Corsage-Material", Shoes, Rope and Skirt are made in Blender. I‘ve also got some material in the back, which I will include in the final post. It‘s just too time-consuming for me to import an object and then inserting the obj to a specific mesh...maybe I am doing it wrong:D With Blender I mostly have more control