Abstract Expressionist artist persuaded by such world influences and become an important subject of the artists. Emotionally, the artist was looking inward to express the powerful icon of the extreme feeling, and human needs. exposing internal life individual and history of their disastrous era. Artists within the Abstract Expressionism developed a part of their paintings represent of an individual.
Barnet Newman is an artist, associated with the movement wrote: "We felt the moral crisis of a world in shambles, a world destroyed by a great depression and a fierce World War, and it was impossible at that time to paint the kind of paintings that we were doing—flowers, reclining nudes, and people playing the cello.”
The Thirty Years War, which extends from 1914 to 1945 was the platform for the weakening and appearing collapse of western power was approaching to an end and despite the continued stability for the reason of fascism and great depression around Europe people were looking for new life.
The end of World War II brought a flood of refugees to the United States and was the largest population movements in European history. Millions of refugees were expelled from Europe. Thousands of Jews, survivors of the genocide. This allows Americans, artist, better access to designs and practices of European Modernism. Abstract expressionist artist are expressive in regards to their paintings as it is spontaneous. A lot of the painting are in giant scale, include images that are non-objective. These objective may not have direct focal point or even demonstrate the process the artist practices. But no all abstract expressionist have these features. Typically there are two forms of painting which are representational painting and abstract painting. Representational art is the painting of a particular object while abstract is a subjective style and its does not represent any type of object.
Abstract art is formed with an array of shapes, use of different colors and designs. Most vital is it forms a reflection of the artist feeling. This kind of painting allows the most freedom of expression as there is no particular theme the artist as to follow. A lot of abstract artists get there inspiration from objects and use these ideas to paint nonrepresentational paintings. In this case abstract art, in fact it signifies the world in a natural and unique way. In the nineteenth and twentieth century became a time of self-expression and reflection and this is the result worldly need. This time became known as the Expressionism movement. Motivated by confidently creating a personal and emotional expression through the art. Artistic stylings remained thrown aside as each artist revealed their own creative.
Nice piece. Very informative
thank you @asianessien. followed u hope u do the same. steem is all about taking care of each other from the start.
It would be great to see you at the London Crypto Currency Show on 14th April! The following projects are coming to present:
Read their blog about the show:
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Read their blog about the show: @utopian-io @esteemapp @stach @steempress
Also @allasyummyfood, @stephenkendal, @anarcotech & @starkerz will present. The event doors open at 09.30am and the Steem Project presentations start at 10.15am and finish at 11.30am.
There will be loads of cool steemians at our stand at the event all day where there will be presentations on the hour until 16.00. The after party starts at 17.00 at the Novotel Hammersmith.
See some blogs about the event HERE & HERE