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RE: October is for inking!

in #art7 years ago

I think Inktober is one of the most clever incentives out there to get people to draw. I remember when I kept falling into that trap of "Oh, i'm not drawing because I don't know what to draw..." kind of thing. But to have one month a year where (it looks like) the entire world joins together on a challenge is awesome. It really puts the fire under a lot of people's butts, so to speak - and the daily prompts are lots of help. However, if you've already been drawing the rest of the year, working up other projects and what not, it's super hard to join in on the challenge. I did a few ink sketches last year, and unfortunately I don't think I'll be able to do even that many this year. Feeling pressured to ink out a drawing and stressing about it, after having worked on your own personal thing is not a pleasant feeling. And last thing I'd want to do is put together a half-assed, rushed piece of work, just to meet a daily deadline. But some people manage to do it. But those people are elves or wizards. ¯\(ツ)

PS: you should certainly get THEIA out there. Would love to check it out. Like, seriously man. I think Trail by Comics is a great challenge with more than enough time to brainstorm and put something together, while juggling your other everyday projects. Keep 'em coming @kommienezuspadt!