"repainter" mhm... i see... what kind of framework is that using... you'll make a proper post about it, will you?!
P.S.: that bunny vote - ugh - shame on me! that wasn't supposed to happen and I took it back to keep the distribution clean... hate the way sessions are handled with multiple tabs open on steemit... I need to be more careful!
No worries about the bunny vote :D
Yeah I think I will do a post about it. I'm a graphics tech artist by trade, so I use tech artist orientated tools and languages. Primarily I'm using Sidefx Houdini, vex(c type shader language) and python for the glue and any basic logic. This is actually a Twitter bot I've been making, so you would tweet an image at the bot and it "repaints" it for you. Just a bit of fun, but the tech really can be utilized for alot more ;-)
Oh awesome... I love stuff like that... do me a favour and make sure to drop a link in the googly post-promotion or PM or mention me in some way so I don't miss it... I'm terrible with keeping up with my feed ;)
For sure :D