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RE: Art Collaboration 2 - Glitch Art Vs Paint

in #art8 years ago

Yeah Blackstar is the kind of album that makes fans out of people who aren't already into Bowie. It's such a shame he didn't live to keep pushing further, cos I have no doubt he'd have blown my mind again.

Cool! That's an interesting choice, that definitely personally felt like my best song until the last couple I wrote (Specter's World and Summer Thunder). Yeah, that's a guitar, those are natural harmonics being bent with my palm on a floating bridge. I never thought of that intro as sounding like a calypso but I sort of see what you mean. Thanks again for listening, I really appreciate feedback!


Ha! I'm no musical expert, I mean I listen to a ton of music but I don't know much about theory or different styles. Calypso is probably the wrong name for the music I'm thinking of.
I've always wished I could play an instrument and make music - recording an album remains an unfulfilled ambition. So nothing but the highest respect for you and your talents.
I still think I'm going to learn to play my acoustic guitar, build electronic instruments and record the greatest album I've always wanted to listen to. One day...