Pixel Art Avatar: "Clown 107"

in #art3 years ago

I believe that art and talent are what define us as human beings. And as long as you truly fine art and talent fascinating, then you will be creative for the rest of your days.

The ultimate goal of an artist is to connect with his or her audience by imposing their own perspective and creating joy in something so simple as flipping a piece of paper over to work on the back side. Creation is essential to living life with dignity and freedom; one should be content with accepting these things as well they are, not chasing desires that are unattainable, betraying oneself along the way.

5 Clown 107.png

Creating is what defines us as human beings. We are not born with fully-formed brains and minds that automatically provide us with answers to all of life's questions. We are born empty, open, and vulnerable but already capable of imagination, connection, and empathy.

Here's a film strip of the WIP:

Clown 107 WIP.JPG

While here's a gif version of the WIP:


All Avatar Pixel artworks:

FT AVATAR-002.jpg

”Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.”

~ Pablo Picasso

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