Pixel Art Avatar: "Clown 110"

in #art3 years ago

Art is often seen as something that we don't have time for, but in reality, it provides us with the ideal opportunity to recharge our inner being and get new perspectives.

Do not immediately reject ideas out of fear and think about your frame. Remember that art is often acquired through self-limiting or accepting limitations. Instead of constant movement or infinite possibilities, find a centering point.

5 Clown 110.png

A few wise words on what it takes to be an artist of any kind.

An artist is someone who has creativity, a problem with imagination, and a sense of connection with the world. To be successful, one should have courage and simplicity; combined with charm and dignity.

Artists don't have the luxury of being prosaic; they must communicate without words. Forces that are so unfamiliar can turn into an art form like songs or poems in such a way that expression becomes strong enough to address similarly shy forces in people's souls or minds: these are known as externalizing forces.

All beautiful art, all great art starts as an act of gratitude; from gratitude towards the beauty found in nature which first taught us our power over creation."

Here's a film strip of the WIP:

Clown 110 WIP.JPG

While here's a gif version of the WIP:


All Avatar Pixel artworks:

FT AVATAR-002.jpg

”Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.”

~ Pablo Picasso

Cover photo option 3 - resize.jpg