
It's a nice drawing! I think he has a different talent (But I don't know about your drawing skills)


It looks like he wanted to make a helmi cute drawing :)

A cute drawing of Helmi? Or for Helmi? :)

"for Helmi" you know what they say happy cat, happy life lol

This is lovely! He likes cats!! Haha!
So cute, fat cat!
Please ask him to put in the colour of the cat!?


Looks like a good cryptokitties. Miro is doing doing great.

Wow!! what a cute drawing gamer00, I loved it .

wow its so simple at the same time its so magical.

The drawing looks like a cat face.

well it reflects the innocence of kids

I accept the kitten challenge!
Even though it's not as cute as Miros :((

Mew =^.^=

@gamer00 - Another crypto kitty on table... Sir it's so cute... <3 Miro got the talent Sir...


well that sure is ;)

Miro is indeed becoming a cool artist ;)

It looks like Miro is trying to make a cat. well, it is nice to pick up we all should admire his work to do a lot more 👍👍.

The pleasure looking at your beloved son's picture of the cat.
And since it's now saved on the blockchain you will be able to come back after a very long time and have a good laughter looking at the drawing :-)

Drawing was my favorite thing as a kid.. I was trying to draw knights and dragons and stuff though.. been into fantasy since I was 6 heh.. Seems like someone is excited about cats after the crypto kitties game.. :)

Miro beloved son grow much faster than you @gamer00.
I know he'll succeed better and future will be massive whale in steem blockchain. Skillful drawing of Miro's.

You are practicing cryptokitties, He is practicing cryptokitties, and that is a picture of a happy cat .. Regards

Was that on a sheet of paper that was on the living room table? Or was that on the living room table?

Yes paper.. :)

Miro is a talented artist.Let him blossom he will be a great artist.

This is cuttee drawing old is he...and he has left it in your room...guess he loves you alot....or wants to impress you....or may be want something from you in return😜

My Friend @gamer00, This drawing made by you? ha ha :p
btw looking too much superb :)
I liked it my friend.

Drawing is wonderful and truly expressive and sketching is perfect for kids.@gamer00... Really nice art..

How old was he when he made it?

The true artist is not proud: he unfortunately sees that art has no limits; he feels darkly how far he is from the goal, and though he may be admired by others, he is sad not to have reached that point to which his better genius only appears as a distant, guiding sun.

Looks a nice piece of art by the way , How old he will be, Looks a great future...
Best wishes..

The art work reveals the ideas that are hidden inside childs mind.. Cute for sure...

When I look at that cat I see content, happy, and of course the rosy cheeks healthy. Not sure why the whiskers are away from the face.

Super drawing by Super Mario :)

That cat is blushing 😻

Drawing wanna fashionable art. Miro created amazing piece of art work. You found it on livingroom table. Actually It's Miro's drawing.
I guess he was keep it to future paintings using color contribution.

Had Miro's participate art contest? Maybe he could practiced before join. Anyway talented creativity. Miro has great future. Be proud @gamer00.
