Arte que se deja ver | Art that is seen!
The art of Bonsai is known, like the art of cultivating trees and miniature plants, controlling its size so that it remains of a size very inferior to the natural one, realizing techniques and procedures like the transplant, the pruning, the fence, the clamping, between others, modeling their form to create a style that reminds us of a scene of nature in all its splendor. The tree is planted in pots, which allows you to create a set as a team, for an exhibition!
Today I want to show you, my visit to a bonsai show that took place in my city, was on a very pleasant afternoon, near the beach, where they exhibited very beautiful bonsai trees, among the species that were listed, Quebrahacho Pithecellobium dumoson, Ficus green emerald, And Ever green Ficus benjamina, trees born and collected in the area, to work them and turn them into bonsai.
In addition to exposing beautiful trees, bonsai accents also dazzled, which makes an excellent companion when it comes to exhibition.
Un acento en el arte del Bonsai, es una composición se hace para acentuar alguna característica del árbol mostrado en exhibicion y crear una sensación de armonía.
An accent in the art of Bonsai, is a composition is made to accentuate some characteristic of the tree shown in exhibition and create a feeling of harmony.
Many techniques were exhibited in this show, I really was enchanted with such beauty, I hope you can admire it just as I do, I leave part of the photographs captured from my hand, I wanted to photograph those parts that maybe we ignore, such as the roots, the final finish , the pots, accents, and harmony that together form.
Gracias por leer mi publicación, los invito a seguirme @gensequini.
Thanks for reading my post, I invite you to follow me @gensequini.

Excelente compañera estos árboles Bonsai son los más curiosos y hermosos gracias por compartir tu experiencia en esta exposición
Sii es un arte muy hermoso.. Saludos amigo
Fascinante publicación, nunca he visto un bonsai :( Saludos amiga. Gracias por compartir
un gusto compartir mis experiencias !!
The root on rock tree has some amazing root designs. My other favorite is the tree in the red pot with the big scar down the trunk. It has rich red wood grain colors.
if both trees are worthy of admiration, thank you for your comment @creativetruth I value it, happy day !!
@don.quijote que gusto que admires estos hermosos arboles igual que yo, es un placer compartir mis experiencia, es un arte muy bello qur bueno que tengas unos cuantos cerca de ti, saludos y gracias por comentar!