Hello steemit!! My little kitten is called Peque, she is a very cute and affectionate but unpredictable, she likes to eat bread and she has the most beautiful and delicate meow I've ever heard, I made this simple caricature based on her, I hope you like it <3
Hola Steemit!! Mi pequeña gatita se llama Peque, es muy linda y cariñosa pero impredecible, le gusta comer pan y tiene el más bello y delicado maullido que he oído, he hecho esta simple caricatura basada en ella, espero que les guste <3
instagram : genywayhttps://www.facebook.com/genywayart/
Follow me on my blog @genyway <3
very cute.
Thank you!
Aww such an adorable cat! In both its version :)
Thank you <3 She is a very pretty cat!