I am becoming aware that you have a huge repertoire of styles in your art and this is indeed a very seductive image of a temptress! The story behind witches in the UK is extremely sinister, on the one hand we had the Church, and on the other we have what is now known as medicine from doctors etc, but in the middle was paganism which was a centuries old art derived from mother earth and her elements ( please note Mother earth.) The practice of an art called Wicker later change to witch craft by those wishing to eradicate the art, the church because they wanted to establish there own religion didn't want to compete against the craft, the craft was practised mostly by women who had the knowledge to heal, using herbal remedies and indeed spiritual energy, this was in direct competition with the then up and coming medicine we know today, so the pagan art of wicker was destroyed and for the most part lost to us, but still practised under a different name, herbal ism. Women had the greater role in human society, they were the givers of life and not what they were reported to be during a witch hunt! You are an amazing lady and a wonderful artist and you continue to surprise me, kind regards Gez..
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how beautifully you have described it. I have read a little about Europe and Russia's pagan culture. Europe is my fascination. I studied European History. What you say is absolutely on the target. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with me and all of us here. All cultures have more or less have similar history. Just the terminology and names differ. I am so happy that a person of your knowledge likes my work !
Yes I have done many different art styles. Even workbook illustration and illustrative storybooks for little children. Nothing seductive over there :) :D . I just love artistic expression. Thank you @gezzazoom / Gez
Thank you lovely lady for your reply, I read and enjoyed what you had to say in your article and was inspired to reply and give another perspective, but your perspective also has a lot of merit and reflects the same story really! You are a wise, talented and intelligent lady for sure, and I do enjoy following you on your journey, kind regards Gez.........
😊😊 I am happy that I inspired you to add to the information and carry the story further 😊... Thank you for your appreciation Gez