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RE: Watercolors, antiques, family history, and moose droppings. (picture heavy)

in #art6 years ago

Hey, @twirble.

I like everything here, but I do have to admit that the bit about the moose droppings and the different things created from them steals it. :)

I can't say I've found myself in many conversations that turned that weird, so I guess I'll need to end up in Maine one of these days. I live close to the other Portland. There's supposed to be people here wanting to keep it weird, but I guess I just haven't ran across it yet.

It looks like you had a great time with your father, too. And your watercolor came out much better than anything I might attempt.

Well done with all of this, and congratulations on the curie. Good luck with the family history, too. :)


Thank you; yeah she is funny isn't she. I need to get googling on that family history

Hey, @twirble.

Good luck with the Googling. I'm sure once you get into it, you'll be amazed at what you find, and how much information there is. I can't say it's the case for everyone (like probably my wife), but many people will find out that someone has been collecting information for years. Hopefully, that will be the case for you. Always easier when you can locate things rather than scouring everywhere on the net and then needing to go hunt down tombstones or county records that aren't online yet. :)