Original picture source
Ever since the original Alien back in 1979, I have loved the design of the xenomorph - and most of the movies since - and have wanted to digitally sculpt my own based on the original. On a side note, I was gifted this one a few years ago for Valentine's day :D

His name is Alan and he stands about 24" tall >.<
To have something to sculpt on I created a base mesh in Zbrush using Zspheres. As you can see in the video I did attempt to make the hands but couldn't get them quite right with Zspheres, so I will go in and sculpt them out when I tackle the main design.
I sped up the video 500%. Royalty free music courtesy of https://www.bensound.com.
Well that's a romantic valentine's gift. lol! I guess it is since you're so into them. Looks like a lot of work! Good on ya.
I like your art
Great design... thank you-:)@originalwork
That's a great valentine gift.
I appreciate your art. thanks for sharing design3d
Great art
Amazing creativity.i Support your content.
I follow you @gmuxx
That's quite the skill to have to be able to animate like that. I'm sure that's valuable talent. I wish I was artistically inclined at all but sadly I'm not. That's quite an interesting Valentine's Day gift! Great video!