I have a friend who lives in an exotic and wonderful place. This city is NYC and of course it has lots of exciting attractions and is one of the most sought after tourist destinations in the world. It is also very expensive to buy anything except slices of pizza.
Since my pal lived there and lets me stay on his sofa for free I had the opportunity to visit some museums which are meant to be world-class. I have to admit, i am not terribly cultured when it comes to art so upon deciding to go to the Metropolitan Museum of Modern Art (MOMA,) I didn't really know what to expect. I mean, they have an entire massive building dedicated to modern art so it is probably pretty special right?
what is this?
The above picture is only a brief representation of the collections they have in this massive building. I mean, what is going on here? It appears as though the artist got to his studio and asked "where are my blank canvases" and his or her assistant said "oh, those weren't finished? The museum picked those up this morning and left a check for $700,000."
I was there and saw these. I looked closely. There is nothing on the canvases, i was thinking maybe you have to shine a black-light on it so I asked a staff member if that was the case... no, it's just three blank canvasses. It's finished. I had hoped maybe later someone was going to come in and do a live painting... no, it's finished already.
How does this require any talent? I can go to a framing shop and have hundreds of these made in an afternoon... perhaps i missed my calling in life.
While i wasn't there for it, this next monstrosity recently sold at auction for over forty million dollars.
please explain to me how this is special
When i see "art" i want to be bewildered at the talent and vision of the artist. Paul Joseph Watson commented
Cy Twombly's "untitled" looks like exactly what would happen if you left a toddler alone with a bottle of ketchup for a few hours
Here are some other pieces of work by the artist Cy Twombly.
someone left the toddler some mustard as well
looks like a tablecloth at a Mexican restaurant after a kids party
I didn't bother to take many pictures while i was in MOMA because honestly, it was all crap. One display had a bunch of pieces of cut glass stacked up on top of one another - it looked like the refuse pile at a shop that makes custom windows. My exceptional disdain for this sort of junk just makes me wonder who is this for? Who thinks this is talent?
There is a funny story about how some college students put a pineapple on an empty table at a modern art exhibition only to return 4 days later to find that a glass display case had been placed over it and it is now art. It wasn't the staff taking part in the hi-jinks, people really thought it was art. There is another instance where some reading glasses were left behind on a table and soon after patrons began taking photos of this wonderful work of post-modern blahbity-blah!
The only good pieces in the museum aren't even classified as modern art. The main reason I wanted to go is because Van Gogh's "Starry Starry Night" was on display. I saw a few Picasso's while i was there and the dude who made the artwork with the melting clocks (sorry, I'm not artistically cultured - if you know who that is please do tell.)
this is art
Before attending MOMA a few years ago, I didn't know what modern art is. I now know that it is a bunch of pretentious crap made mostly by people with no real talent. I encourage you to prove me wrong, but I distinctly remember not really finding anything inside of MOMA that you wouldn't just decide to throw out if you were moving to a new house.
Do you feel differently? If so I implore you to prove me wrong. What is the value in all this? How are the creators talented? How are these things worth millions of dollars? Is this a income tax evasion scam in plain sight? I just don't know what is going on or how we even have multi-million dollar buildings dedicated to this stuff.
As always, i encourage you to respond... and in this instance to argue with me if you feel so inclined :)
I agree 100%. The deconstruction of Western civilization INVOLVES the intentional promotion of CRAP as having value. The same thing can be seen in writing (Jame Joyce, is one clear example) and in so-called modern classical music. WEALTHY PEOPLE are the patrons, and the super wealthy, from the beginning have been pushing this crap on the gullible since the beginning. It truly has been an elitist program, and it has not stopped, though more and more people are waking up and saying, "Hey, the emperor is actually naked!"
your description of it is far better than my own. I'm gonna go check out your blog when i get home tonight. I hadn't really thought about it in a philosophical / conspiracy theory way like you just explained but it makes sense! Good work.
Thanks, bro. Oh yea, there are very few coincidences when it comes to major movements...and that applies as well in art/music/literature as in politics.
Amen to that. Nicely stated.
Yeah, I feel like if I can do it, it is not art. Some of the ridiculously high prices are going to the more modern "art." Imagine what a Dutch Master Work, such as a Rembrandt, is worth. $Billions. But they never come up for sale or auction.
This stuff is NOT genius. It's garbage that is geared toward "how much can I scam out of you" and "how much of this bull$hit can I stuff into your mind" until your actual perception of culture and artistic worth DIES. I don't buy it. I don't support it. As an artist myself, I do want to be creative and push the envelope. The one thing I DO NOT want to do is lose me ability to be self critical. Genius is earned. I can except that I may never be the Genius artist I want to become, but there is now way I will sell myself as something I am not. Screw um.
At least you may have found something worth your attention at MOMA to keep you from demanding your entrance fee back. What is that dude even staring at in the first picture??? I had to laugh, thinking that your photo is actually the "ART" here.
The little guide wires protecting the space between the cough cough "art" is a nice touch. Another method I suppose to make us think this is worth a bit of distance here. Full out glass protection and a guard in the room would of been frosting on these donuts.
yes, the guard wires on the blank canvasses was a nice touch. Certainly more artistic than the blank canvasses. They should have put those in glass cases and made that "art" also.
I didn't pay a fee to get in MOMA, they have one day a week that people are allowed in free and i went on that day. In my opinion the free day should be every day.
You are also correct that every day on Steemit we see pieces of art that are more wonderful than likely anything that is in MOMA.
That's cool you got to see Starry Starry Night though. What an impressive piece.
I concur wholeheartedly. It's so ridiculous what they're trying to have us accept as art. Three blank canvasses is not art, but 3 blank canvasses dying for structure or paint. They'll probably say that it's subjective...to leave it up to the viewers imagination.
What a load of bullocks!
As an artist, I will always be in awe of traditional artists.
art is freedom and there should be no rules
In general, if you want to see good work that's being done by living artists in a museum, you go to a contemporary art museum rather than a modern art museum. There's still a fair amount of crap - true in any museum context - but there's also a bunch of more worthwhile stuff being done.
thanks for the tip buddy. I will keep that in mind if I find myself in NYC again soon :)
When I think of art, I think of Monet, Picasso, and the likes. The pictures you shared with us looks like something anyone can do. I agree with you in the utmost respect that this is not art. Maybe we should do a collaboaration piece and submit it to see how much is sells for? I've seen graffiti better than this.
art is freedom and there should be no rules
maybe ill take pictures of my shit and become an artist too because a canvas with shit has to be more valuable than a plain one
that would probably work. But first you need a hoity toity studio space somewhere and patrons to "ooh and ahh" at the black tie exhibit.
I agree with you there is no longer the creation of magnificent art, it has been destroying the classic and the impulsive creation due perhaps to the new era but now they pay a barbarity for something that does not feel the emotion to see it, that turn the classic art please!
this was art
The same thing happened to me, I have seen what some people call today art and I really do not understand what is changing in the world. It is basically put something meaningless, sometimes without giving any description very elaborate and ready, that in his opinion is art and sold in millions. The work of true artists goes unnoticed, I have seen works in steemit very beautiful and they do not get to be exhibited in a gallery, they reject them because according to them it is much more art that kind of meaningless things, that would not even be considered something abstract.
Ha-Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha omg looking at this only one thing comes to mind , let me move to NYC to submit my art ehe , could make a lot of bucks on nothing .
That is not art at all , and ofcourse it's devaluing real art. Art is something that aspires u , and tells a story of its own . Unique exotic and mysterious .
I suppose they are not valuing the art that is submitted but rather the name of who is submitting it
I completely agree, modern art is the real "Tulips" of modern times. You need to bend your mind in many ways to try to "appreciate" modern art.
Blank canvases, a toddler forgotten in an art studio and a drunk playing with water color all qualified as art.. am shocked beyond reality
Oh my goodness, this is disaster not art. My mum might even flog my younger ones if any draw/paint this and call it art. When I first saw the art, I was like what dah f**k is that.
Sincerely you were calm and patient enough to still at that. Is that plain canvass, I first there is another art behind it like Monalisa.
This is nothing close to modern art, it was probably drawn by one of the staff kids.
This is the only art i can.
Well, they are made for the rich who don't know what else to do with money. Some art are just overrated
The art is in your mind.
Van Gogh is one of my favorite artists. I visited his museum in Amsterdam... amazing.

hahaha. Totally. Sometimes you wonder if a few of those are used for money laundering.
The only good pieces in the museum
the blank painting is shiiiitt
I want to do that and sell my so called art to the drug dealers and launder the money and take my pay.
This is not art this is laundering the black market money. This is bullllllllcrap...
some of this stuff looks like stuff a child would do
This is not the art of that crap
It's money laundering
Something really disgusting
I won't say it's all crap, even though that one certainly is. The problem, I think is that modern art has been reduced to only the prominent names and proteges getting all the attention. Similar to how some whales run Steemit, they get to decide what makes the exhibition.
There are some really talented works out there that nobody's ever seen or heard of. It's painful and a dent to modern art
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Art appeals to everyone is different ways. What one person likes,another hates - and vise versa. Don't feel bad in how you feel about art, embrace it. Just don't be an arse to artists you don't like. That's all we ask. :-)