🎨 Assimilation - original painting

in #art7 years ago

I wasn't really happy with this piece. To me it looks like a cover illustration to a third-class fantasy novel...

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Assimilation, 2005
Acrylic on fiberboard
25 x 20 cm / 9.84 x 7.87 in








I find it familiar, but don't think I've seen it. Great to include the process: such as elements of decalcomania (also a staple of some of my work).

You should not dismiss your work (third rate fantasy novel) because that sort of evaluation should be left to the Critics of Cultureburg who use exactly that description to down-rate anything we do (that is, fantastic realists, imaginative realism, magic realism etc) while pouring buckets of accolades out over some crap that looks like drugged space-monkeys created (or flung, like their shit, onto a canvas). And yes, I am a critic too!

Some years ago a dear friend, the late J. Brooks Joiner, a well respected curator who had led several great museums and galleries in Canada and the USA, broke through this cycle by giving space to ILLUXCON in the Allentown Art Museum. Now Brooks was not some backward curator on the fringes of the art world. His knowledge, and his tastes, were eclectic. For example, as director of the Vancouver Art Gallery he vigorously defended a show he mounted that included "Piss Christ" by Andres Serrano against a hostile press. He friended Patrick Wilshire, the founder of Illuxcon (who is also in my circle in the Visionary Art Network) and gave him space at the Allentown Art Museum in 2012.

“All the works of man have their origin in creative fantasy. What right have we then to depreciate imagination?” --Carl Jung

A long story that maybe should be part of a blog post, including links to artspeak.

First thing I thought was "Hey! There's someone picking up Geiger's mantle the right way!" Mad props for evolving the style, instead of just mimicry.

And no, it's not the cover of a third rate fantasy novel, those always require either animal fur/leather loincloths and/or a sword.

Thanks @jdc!

those always require either animal fur/leather loincloths and/or a sword.

Well, you refer to a fourth-rate fantasy novel! :-)

@gric This is amazing..More interestingly you are a critic of your own art piece...Believe me brother..this is just as fantastic as any other masterpiece...The background technique is very interesting..kind of neo-surrealistic style...Superb!

Nice and raw!

Thanks Dennis!

Sehr geil!!!! :-D

Danke Caroline! :-)

Gerne, ist eines Deiner schönsten die ich kenne, das und die Pietà.... aber ich kenne ja noch vieles nicht :-D

(third rate fantasy novel... you are NOT okay ;-) i wish i would be half as good an artsit as you are!

Thank you Erik!

Are these new paintings or the pieces that you made before?
I am looking forward to seeing the next art works.Impressive pieces of art @gric. I agree with @pattoounlimited, don't beat yourself really.

Thanks @racoo! This one is from a series I painted in 2005.

Don't beat yourself up, I think it looks great! It has an H.R. Geiger feel with the style. The tones and textures work well together. The process pics were a nice touch. Thanks for sharing! Can't wait to see whats next.

Love the brush detail on the torso close-up! Do what makes you happy and don't worry about being labeled. There's a space for every genre of art. And the man who financially profited most from his art, in the history of mankind, was hated by the elite art world. His name was Thomas Kinkade.

It's brave of you to post work you are not happy with @gric, but its so useful to keep revisiting old work to see how far you've come. Our old paintings are part of our evolution as artists and they still have much to teach us if we take the time to look.

Thank you @adamfryda-art! I'm running out of paintings so now I have to post the bad ones too! :-)

Lol. Tbh, i've not seen a bad one from you yet - you had better get painting before you end up showing those ones :)

It's a lovely piece, and I think it looks really good! It's not too bad to look on previous work to see how far you've progressed. Don't beat yourself up too bad.

it's like a fantastic photo.
how real!

Thank you Ceren!

In a word I want to say that It is awesome!! Excellent creativity. I appreciate. Thanks for sharing.

Thank you!

Great portrait, Looks like reality

It's amazing friend @gric.

Thank you!

WOW! ...is all I can say...


this is Gorgeous <3 Cant help giving more glances lolx

This work is very deep, in terms of theme, brushstrokes nuances and content I find it great to show the female figure in this way so imposing so dionisiaca, so visceral

Awesome man. Great detailing. Love it.


für mich ein krasses bild. das ist faszinierend, bannend und abstoßend zugleich, erotisch und doch befremdlich. beeindruckend! ich sollte und kann gar nicht mehr dazu sagen. lg

I think it’s cool. Reminds me of Aliens, the movie.

Why you wasn't really happy!? It's nice! To me It looks like a good sci-fi movie cover! 😉

Thanks @dexpartacus! Glad to hear you like it!

Love the attention to details. Great talent you got there.

Thank you!

This background layering technique you use in the process is fascinating, really wish to learn this one day!

Thanks @haedre!

You're welcome. Any chance that maybe you'll once explain, write about that technique in a tutorial or so? :) I've seen you made a class about it but I m a bit far.

I'll make a video about it.

that'd be awesome.

I like it