Cities Are Like People...

in #art8 years ago


“Cities were always like people, showing their varying personalities to the traveler. Depending on the city and on the traveler, there might begin a mutual love, or dislike, friendship, or enmity. Where one city will rise a certain individual to glory, it will destroy another who is not suited to its personality. Only through travel can we know where we belong or not, where we are loved and where we are rejected.”

The artwork is called "Traveler". The model in this piece is none other than the young and beautiful Meika Woollard. (@meikawoollard on instagram)


hi there, i like it, so its upvoted!
but i am a bit confused...
you put your name on someone else' s photos?
or you made the photos as well?

The photos I edit are used with permission from the person that owns them. I don't make the photos, no :) Thanks for the upvote @rebirth

i see now, thanks, keep up the good work!