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RE: Drawing Rembrandt - A study in 4 colour chalk - Original content for Steemit

in #art7 years ago

Oh, i meant the clear works well for sealing transfer drawings prior to oil painting. I don't know if you start with a drawing or fix it before you paint but some oil artists will draw their transfer drawing with charcoal and then spray it down with fixative. Not sure from a conservation perspective if that will be seen as having been a good idea a 100 years from now?
The pastel on the other hand needs a spray after the fact, i haven't sprayed this one yet because i reckon it'll compress it a bit and lose colour. Suppose i could touch it up thou.
I have to remind myself to squit to 'spoil' my eye sight in order to not get lost in detail, i guess at some point as i get old it will do it naturally, then i'll be squiting to try and improve it!