Hello people!
I would love to say that I made a painting of Angelina Jolie, but I'm still doubting whether it seems or not... For my Jolie is just perfect and very difficult to draw, however I risk doing something that I like (experiment). My inspiration to use the colors in this way have been the works of @opheliafu the colors she use for your creations are really fantastic, of course! We handle two totally different styles.
I really like to draw faces, however I have not yet perfected, every day I learn something new... Trying to make an Angelina painting was quite pleasurable.
So... I hope you like!
Gif drawing process
I hope you enjoyed it!
Thanks for watching my blog.

Excelent work. Stile very good I follow you now follow me
Thank you @davidsaavedra
Genial pintura!! me encanto!
muchas gracias! es un honor que digas eso <3 @horty
Wonderful art 😍
Remember me Tom Raiders
thank you! @jelocy
Great! I think it's very good, I love those lively colors! Keep it up!!!
muchas gracias por tu comentario @yeszuzia
Hello! I find your post valuable for the art community! Thanks for the great post! ARTzone is now following you! ALWAYs follow @artzone and the artzone tag, and support our artists!
Thanks for the welcome!
Very cool! :)
thanks! @andrecamell77
Justo dibujastes esta vez a una de mis actrices predilectas , una mujer de mucho caracter y sensibilidad , me gusta mucho tu estilo de acuarelas querida @gvand .
gracias mi querido amigo @katari siempre es un placer leer tus mensajes :)
Me gusta tu pintura, se vería buena colgado en una sala, me gustaría hacer algo así algún día aunque no sabría como :(
pues solo tienes que dejarte llevar, pero poco a poco aprenderás <3
Enséñame :)