Hello my dear friends!
Although this is not my style I am always available to experience new things, for some time want to throw me to the adventure of the drawings to pen, so today I started practicing while I'm in bed with a flu of those that cause to go to the other world , my sneezes are becoming more frequent in fact I'm sneezing now.
I wanted to try these techniques with ballpoint pen since I follow a great friend named @katari and a great artist called @cookiespooky sincerely man, I love how you use the pen! So today I made an owl attempt, a sketch where I have not given the best of my, however, I think it's a little nice for the eyes.
I hope you like!
This is all for today, I hope to return tomorrow with my colors, and that my flu is gone, but just started, I think I did not have so many nasal fluids since my dog died... maybe I'm exaggerating a little, good night!
I hope you enjoyed it!
Thanks for watching my blog.

You did a great one, i must admit!
thank you very much @edgarsart
yah very well
Thanks @komta
yah very well
oh te quedo hermoso tu buho bueno en mi país le dicen lechusa , de donde es mi madre dicen que cuando gritan o se paran en una casa es de mala suerte pero a mi me gustan , te quedo maravilloso tu estilo a boligrafo a mi al principio me costo perderle un poco el miedo ,pero de ahi de a pocos creo que voy mejorando el estilo espero algun dia llegar al realismo , espero que te recuperes pronto de tus fluidos nasales , y tus dias sean bellos y llenos de vida en tus dias gracias por la mesion y el cariño querida @gvand.
aquí también le decimos lechuza, el búho es más pequeño y menos bonito jajaja pero no encontré la traducción de lechuza así que búho quedo lol a mi me encanta cuando haces tus cosas creativas super locas con el bolígrafo así que soy tu fan del bolígrafo jajaja saludos gracias a ti por tu constante apoyo :)
Nice work!! Ball point drawings are so much fun.
thank you very much @chadizms
Para ser tu primera vez, eres toda una experta, ;P. genial
muchas gracias @claucor20 todavía me falta perder el miedo lol
En todas tus "primera vez" eras tan buena? ;)
No en todas jajaja tu sabes de que hablo :3
Beautiful owl!
It's so fun to draw birds in every medium :D
Yep! I'm thinking of making another bird later to continue practicing with pen, thank you @kristyglas