Grateful - Watercolour Painting; Step by Step

in #art5 years ago


Watercolour on paper
Size : A5
Paint : Phoenix watercolor
Paper : V-tec 300 gsm

I tried to paint something I see on Pinterest, I'm just an amateur and this is my way of learning.


What is happiness?

I've heard so many opinions about the definition of happiness or how to be happy.
Some people said they feel happy when they have money, other said they feel happy when they achieved their dreams, and there're people who said happiness is something simple, meeting with someone would bring them happiness, to be able to eat would make them happy and a lot more, the key is to be grateful.

Happiness is a choice

People who are happy with their lives are like us, their lives full of problems, but instead crying for something they don't have, they decided to be happy with what they have.

Step by Step


First draw a simple sketch, then working on the front view.


Carefully Coloring the background


1st Layer of the front view.

Working on the 2nd layer


Working on details.


Lastly paint the background, I make the buildings & bushes appeared blur.


Well, that's all for today, see you 😊
