If you hear a voice within you say you cannot paint, then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced.
~ Vincent Van Gogh
Last month a friend of mine asking me how to paint a green apple, so I make a video to show him my way of painting a green apple. I hope this guide will help any newbie in watercolor ^ ^ Anyway, I just bought new art supplies, so this is my 1st time using all those brushes and paint. So far I used a very cheap art supplies and now I think it's time to upgrade my art supplies :D still student grade tho... but much better than my old one ^ ^
Step by Step
Preparing the painting tools
Next, draw a simple sketch of apple.
I used wet on wet technique, so, first I need to make this apple wet enough.
Now coloring the apple, first I used Lemon yellow.
While the paper's still wet, I keep adding a few more colors ; Deep Yellow
and Yellow green, wait until this layer getting dry.
Working on second layer.
Paint the shadow, I used cerulean blue.
Working on the last layer.
Usually I used variation of colors.
To make my painting doesn't look so flat, I used darker colors.
I'm trying to do hand lettering, turn out I'm not good at it... hoho... but they said practice makes perfect.
Finished! Here's my video when creating this piece:
That's all for today, see you :)
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