This is my 1st time using corel draw, I feel quite confused about it and in the end I was editing my drawing using Corel photo, and yes, both are so confusing for me. I tried to use corel because many of my friends asking me to do digital drawing. Well, to be honest I can't -_- I still using manual drawing for the basic. Additionally, for me digital drawing not as interesting as manual drawing. But, in digital drawing I can keep editing my drawing in so many ways. Anyway, which one do you prefer? Digital drawings or manual drawing?
Ini kali pertama saya menggunakan aplikasi Corel. Well, semuanya terlalu membingingkan bagi saya. Kayaknya saya masi tetap lebih suka manual drawing karena lebih berasa pas megang kuas, megang cat, dll. Hal yang menarik dari digital drawing adalah kita leluasa untuk menghapus & mengubah gambar sesuka hati kita.
I think my drawing looks so much cool in this effect. It looks beyond awesome. I love it so much.
Dibuang sayang. Gambar satu ini keliatan keren banget, padahal cuma efeknya yang saya ubah, memang waaaarrrrrr biasah.
How to Draw
1. Make the sketch and take a picture of it.
1. Byat sketsa gambar, terus difoto.
2. Open Corel Photo Painting and start editing.
2. Buka Corel Photo Painting dan mulai proses editing.
3. The 1st thing I do is make the sketch to be siluet.
3. Hal pertama yang saya lakukan adalah membuat siluet mengikuti sketsa tadi.
4. Changing the background to be white.
4. Mengubah latar menjadi putih.
5. Make a background.
5. Buat satu latar
6. Make another one.
6. Buat satu latar lagi.
7. Put all the picture together using double exposure on Pixlr app, then to beautify the drawing, I was adding some effects.
satukan gambar2 tadi menggunakan Pixlr app, kemudian tambahkan efek yang kamu inginkan.
Thanks for Stopping by, see you soon ^ ^
this is amazing! keep it up @hananan
Thank you ^ ^
Vote and resteem
Your welcome !
Mantap gambarnya, I love
Makasi ^ ^
Keren gambarnya...ajarin saya domg...adek.. ;)
Hehe... Makasi bang Arbiii... Hani juga baru percobaan pertama, belum ngerti2 x 😂
Abang pasang aja Corel Draw, terus tes2 gambar, lama2 bisa sendiri
Cakep juga hasilnya beautiful @hananan ini bukan citra rahman kan 😂
Bukan, kan udah saya bilang saya bukan bang citra.
Thanks udh mampir ^ ^
This is really awesome, great artwork!
Thank you very much ^ ^
Bagusss kaaak 😻😻
Makasi adeeeekkkk 😻😻
Pop cat pake ini donk (mata lope) hihihi...
Belum tau cara serak2 cat, ini aja aku campur2 aplikasi 😂
selalu kereen postingan nya
Makasi ^ ^
Dark and amazing ! LOVE IT!
Thank you ^ ^