The battle against those voices which always trying their best to bring you down is an everlasting battle in your life. Indeed we are our own biggest enemy.
Perang melawan suara2 yang selalu mencoba menghancurkan kita adalah perang yang tiada berujung. Sesungguhnya kita adalah musuh terbesar bagi diri kita sendiri.
I don't know why my mind is such a mess and I drive myself crazy. I always believe actually 'problem' is never exist, we are just creating it in our own mind and then struggling over our own imagination, because we actually can solve those things which we called as 'problem'. Yet, here I am fighting those invisible enemies.
Susah ya mikir dalam dua bahasa, kalau gitu saya mikir dalam tiga bahasa aja 😂 "Han kuteupeu pakon pikeran lon berantakan that. Pdahai lon sabe peucaya masalah nyan hana kareuna mandum masalah na penyelesaian" *nyerah susah banget, beretus otak adek.
Anyway, as I don't really like to share my opinion over my own drawing, I welcome you to share what's come to your mind when you see this piece of art in comment section.
Saya kurang suka menceritakan arti di balik gambar2 yang saya buat karena saya lebih suka mendengarkan pendapat2 orang lain tentang karya saya. Silahkan bagikan apa yang kamu pikirkan ketika melihat gambar ini di comment section.

How to Draw

1. Draw the sketch, I used matic pencil, for me it's easier to use than normal pencil.
1. Membuat Sketsa

2. Bold the drawing using gel pen 0,5, actually at first I was thinking to draw anime charter, but then I changed my mind.
2. Pertebal sketsa menggunakan gel pen 0,5.

3. Colouring the background, I used liquid acrylic, this color is a mixture of blue and red.
3. Warnai latar menggunakan asturo acrylic, warna ini adalah hasil pencampuran biru dan merah.

4. After coloring the background, next I coloring her skin using Reeves Acrylic, peach color and for the shadow I was using Maries Water Colour.
4. Berikutnya warnai kulitnya menggunakan Reeves acrylic warna peach, untuk bayangan saya menggunakan Maries Water Colour.

5. For her hair I used Maries Water Color as its base.
5. Dalam mewarnai rambut saya menggunakan Maries Water Colour sebagai cat dasar.

6. Then using Reeves Acrylic for the detail.
6. Saya menggunakan Reeves Acrylic untuk detail.

7. Finishing. Anyway I always use ordinary paper for my drawing, so this is the real picture before I add a canvas effect to my drawing.
7. Finishing. Ini adalah gambar asli sebelum saya menambah efek Kanvas.

Segimanapun Kak Cem ikutin tutorialnya, tetap ngga bisa digambar hahaha ~
Gambarnya penuh makna, Hani ^^ Seperti biasa ^^
Thanks Kak Cem... Kakak belum coba aja, kalau kk coba juga bisa... Mungkin enggak kaya gini, tp ya dgn gaya kak cem sendiri 😁
I am not into drawing.. Liat-liat punya Hani aja ^^ Hihi ~
Kalau alasan "not into" bisa diterima 😆 bukan hobi yg ada ntar berantakan (kyak kk hani coba2 menggambar)
I love that you showed your process! Amazing artwork! Upvoted :)
Thank You 😊
Wow, it's so awesome..
I love the drawing and the word you were writing ..
ありがとうございます... Your art work also amazing, can't wait to see more 😊
Hey @hananan, I am a curator of the Whaleshares Curation Team. I have selected your post to be presented in a live curation discussion on Monday 7th May. Your post will be awarded a 100 Whaleshares vote on the night. I do hope you can come along and spectate. The event will be held in The Curation Lounge on the Whaleshares server.
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Akhirnya jadi..... baju hitam.
Hahaha, ga mungkin baju pink lah kak.. Ga cocok sama ekspresinya 😂
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wow...aku gaya ini, ini terlihat sangat menarik.
Thanks 😁