It's been awhile I didn't draw anything and this is my first try using a waterbase paint, it looks like oil paint, to be honest I am a newbie in drawing especially in coloring, so since the products didn't write what kind of painting is it I've no idea. Anyway, actually it's nothing close to my imagination, lol, but I still like it.
Udah lama enggak menggambar, dan ini percobaan pertama saya menggunakan water base paint, saya kira sama dengan water color, tp pas dicoba mirip cat minyak, enggak tau ini apaan, tp saya suka 😂 Ngomong2 karena ini masi masa percobaan, antara gambar dan imaginasi jauh beda.
The reason I draw it because my sister (@miayuza) requested me to draw something with a cat and a girl, and make it looks full of hope. This eye representing a tired eye. Some of us feel super exhausted with life and need an escape, that's why in the eyeball there's a beautiful scenery inside of it.
Gambar ini saya dedikasikan utk kakak saya @miayuza, dia meminta saya utk menggambar sesuatu yg penuh harapan, tp malah gini jadinya, lol 😅
This is the close up picture of the eyeball, a girl and her cat watching the night sky in the middle of nowhere.
Ini adalah gambar close up dari bola mata. Seorang anak perempuan menikmati malam bersama dengan kucingnya.
How to Draw
I always start my drawing by making sketche using a matic pencil.
Saya selalu memulai dengan membuat sketsa.
Complete the sketch before proceeds to the next step
Selesaikan sketsa sebelum mulai mewarnai
Unfortunately I forget to take pictures when I was coloring the drawing. Anyway, for the eyeball I am using blue as the basic color next I just coloring it layer by layer.
Sayangnya saya lupa memfoto proses mewarnai karena terlalu fokus dan bingung dengan cat baru 😅 Ngomong2, dalam mewarnai saya memulai dengan warna biru sbg warna dasar, dan kemudian menambahkan warna2 lain layer demi layer.
As this is still my trial and error I hope my next drawing would be better, you can help me by giving me any tricks for coloring, I really would appreciate it ^ ^
Karena ini masi dalam masa coba2, saya harap gambar berikutnya akan lebih baik. Kritik dan saran yang membangun akan sangat saya hargai ^ ^
Say Hi to Omi, as an attention seeker she loves to drink water that supposed to be use for painting. Don't worry, it's just ordinary water.
Ini namanya Omi, tukang cari perhatian, hobinya minum air yang akan digunakan u tuk mewarnai, lol 😆
Bgus bnget @hananan. Salut bisa lhat org mlukis ma imajinasi. Cat asturo biasanya untuk lukis di kaos loh.
Iya, dibungkusannya ditulis utk kertas, kayu, kaos, dll. Tp ga ditulis ini cat jenis apa, hhh..
Makasi ^ ^
Iya sama2. Pkek akrilik bgus juga.
Iya, rencana kalau habis ini mw nyoba 😁
Iya, good luck hani..
Dear Artist ! FineArtNow is a new place for artists on Steemit ! Become our friend ! See you soon !
Gimana bisa belajar lukis begituan
Kuncinya Jangan takut nyoba, coba coret2 aja dulu, terus baca2 di google
Imaginasi dalam bola mata
So pretty. Thank you for sharing your talents with us @hananan
You're welcome & thanks for stopping by ^ ^
I always feel amazed with all of your work ^^ always ... Your imagination is always hana tu'oh pike lee lon @hananan :D :D
Aduh, keren banget kak hani. Uda lama ga bka steemit dan liat gambar kakak. Selalu sugoii ya.
Ada2 aja, kebetulan tu
Amazing art @hananan
Thanks sharp
Thanks Sharp
Cats' hearing is much more sensitive than humans and dogs.
Bagus.. bagus.. bagus..
Makasi 😊
Wihhhhh kahani memang luar biasaaa ❤
Kan Tara yang ajarin 😂
Bisaaaa ajaaaaaaaaa lah kahani 😹😹
Kerennn Hani... Kiraen Hani td sama kucingnya. Semogaa harapan bisa terpenuhi.. kerenn warnanya hidup... 👏
Makasi bang ^ ^
ini luar biasa kak
apa bisa belajar sendiri tampa pengajar nya kak?? hehe 😄
Iya enggak pernah belajar, cuma iseng2 aja
This strikingly beautiful! I love every detail. Especially when you described the ‘exhausted’ eye... I can relate 😊Thank you for sharing your art!
Thank you, your kind words makes me want to draw more 😀
Yes, definitely please do! 😊