Not long ago I was visiting a remote area for rafting. It was really a nice place until I found out that many restaurants in that area served Deer in their menu. They say it's something usual that people hunting and sell deer's meat in restaurant regardless it's actually forbidden as it's one of endangered animals. Some of my friends eat it even though I told them about this fact, even they start called me names that makes me super sad. I wish human can stop being a selfish creature and start heal the world instead keep destroying it.
Barusan saya membaca berita, katanya banyak warga Aceh yang tidak tahu bahwa Rusa adalah hewan yang dilindungi. Hmmm... menurut pengalaman saya beberapa waktu lalu, ketika teman2 saya mengetahui bahwa rumah makan yang kami kunjungi menyediakan menu rusa, mereka memesan menu tsb meskipun mereka tahu bahwa rusa adalah binatang yang dilindungi, bahkan salah satu dari teman saya mengolok2 saya krn saya sgt tdk setuju mrk memesan menu tsb. Sangat disayangkan keegoisan manusia sering kali akan membawa dampak buruk bagi alam.
Drawing Process
1. Sketching. This time I used Watercolor paper.
1. Membuat Sketsa
2. Coloring the background, I was using watercolor for the background.
Memberikan Warna latar menggunakan cat air.
3. Adding stars by splashing white acrylic using brush.
3. Menambahkan bintang dengan cara memercikkan cat putih menggunakan kuas.
4. Now start coloring the upper trees and deer using black acrylic.
4. Mulai mewarnai sketsa bagian atas menggunakan cat akrilik warna hitam.
5. Lastly Coloring the bottom part, and finish. Quite easy wasn't it?
5. Terakhir membuat refleksi dibagian bawah, dan selesai. Gambar kali ini cukup mudah bukan?
Mudah bagi yg sudah banyak latihan dan pengalaman hana. Bagi kami tetap cukup sulit :D
Heeeee..... Jgn merendahlah... Tapi emang simple sih... Akhir2 ni aku mw nyoba yg simpel2 aja... Postingan berikutnya akan lebih simpel lg
I just love the colours you choose, the
silhouette deer and trees gorgeous!!
Really cool how you show how you did it! ❤
Resteeming for others to see!Wow truly beautiful artwork @hananan!!
Thank you very much 😊
I'm very impressed by your skills. Your contribution to the community is wonderful. Please keep going. You will definitely get good support for your original works.
Thanks for encouraging me 😊 I'll try my best
Wow! Amazing colors!
Thank you.
Saya kira bakat @hananan harus dieksplore lebih luas. Sayang kalau hanya "berkubang" di Steemit.. :)
Haha... Berkubang 😂
Ini masih standar, di luar sana bnyak yg lebih keren... Tp kalau ada wadah lain akan saya coba utk memperbesar lokasi kubangannya 😂
Wkwkwk.. Iya serius. Kamu pantas mendapatkan panggung yang lebih besar untuk "menitipkan" bakatmu.. 😀
Makasi utk dukungannya 😁
Belum dapet tempat yg lebih besar....
Sama-sama bro.. Kalau konsisten pasti segera dapat wadah yang pas.. 😀
Yosh... Ganbatte 💪
Beautiful piece of art! I'm amazed!
Love the colors and reflection! :)
Thank you very much 😁
Sugooiii.... @hananan... pround of you.. so much improvement..
ありがとうございます Rita Chaan ~
Let's improve together 😁
Love it!! The picture is beautiful,and I love how you always include how you made it. ♥
Thanks 😊
I wonder about your first picture.
What a color combination you used in this photo.
Great job.
And eating Deer's meet may not an ethical thing.
Deers enhances the beauty of nature.
They should be kept in nature.
people can use alternative animals in their menu.
Yeah... It's really something sad... I wonder if those who eat deers would care if there's no more deer in the wild. Huft
Anyway Thank you
Nice drawing @hananan, you know how to mix the colors perfectly :D
Thanks, but actually I was just combining some colors when it's still wet, even I amazed by how it looks when it's dry... You know, I'm a newbie so many times I did things by coincidence and learn from it, 😂
All my favorite colors in one painting !!! WOW !!! Love it @hananan, congrats! Amazing work! :D
Thank you... I'm glad you like it 😀 Maybe I got a message from your telepathy when I draw it.
Hehe maybe! :D
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Lovely work! I really like the vibrant colors. Thank you for sharing your process.
Thanks for enjoying my work 😊